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September 8, 2011

Thoughts on Age

I think we are getting old! Or at least a little more mature. Question: What brought this revelation on ??

Answer: This weekend we are going to Casey's hometown for his TEN YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION! That just seems crazy to me. Do you remember when you graduated high school and you thought about your ten year reunion and it just felt like a million years away?

Another Recent News flash related to age and maturity - the difference between early twenties and late twenties is quite a difference when it comes to responsibilities and the things that matter to you! My husband would disagree with this greatly because he insists that he is still "cool" and it is only me who loves to crawl in to bed at 10pm and eat dinner at a prompt 5:30. I however, have a different theory - I just have an "old soul" - and I'm pretty sure I always have. (High school friends can attest to that)

So let's just say for arguments sake that my husband is still waaaaay cooler than me. I will admit defeat, BUT I've got some other pieces of evidence to demonstrate the progressive "maturing" that is happening in the Zimmerman house. (to BOTH of us)

- Already noted this above, but doesn't hurt to mention again : We are attending his 10 year high school reunion this weekend

- We Love Wheel of Fortune. Like to the point where if we are making dinner and it comes on, we will pause it so we can sit on the couch together and try and solve puzzles while we eat. I've tried to enact the 'loser has to do dishes' rule but that hasn't worked out yet.

- We talk politics. We even watch a political show on Sunday mornings while we are getting ready for church. While politics itself doesn't really mean anything, the degree to which we care about it because it affects our income, taxes and laws has increased significantly!

-We are totally comfortable asking other couples a number of things about their children and the birth of said children. And when they answer - we actually listen (and sometimes take notes)

-We would rather go to dinner with friends than venture out after 10pm to a bar.

-The weather is of much importance to us as it affects how much we need to water the lawn. On another weather related note:- When there is an impending Hurricane in the Gulf - the first thing that pops into our head is NOT "Where we are going to have a party with our friends? and do you think we still have time to get a keg before the stores close down?" but instead we now think " should we board the windows? and do we have all of our important items in the safe deposit box?"

Yep, I think it is safe to say, we are well on our way to 'maturing' into lovely adults with greater priorities and better focus in life. Rest assured, there are still many fun-filled days in our future - no matter the age! But don't you think its just kind of interesting to reflect how your perspective changes in only a few short years?

I'm off to read the newspaper, drink some tea and do whatever else responsible adults do....


Nichole said...

My lovely Kristi Jean,

No matter how old you get (or how old you THINK you are getting) I will always think of you in the context of giggling under bedcovers, playing our own version of Capture the Flag, and Lisa Frank stickers. May you always find a little way in life to allow this "inner child" to shine through.


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