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December 13, 2012


Here are some of my favorite pictures that we have taken of Elise lately. Every new face that she makes is so magical to us.
Elise in her Christmas Pajamas. On this particular day, we both stayed in our jammies all day and she helped me decorate the house for Christmas. Man I loved maternity leave!

I was trying to take some cute pictures of Elise under the tree. caught her yawning and think it's the cutest thing ever!

Our little Aggie. This is her asleep in her car seat while we were at a friend's house watching the Aggies BTHO Alabama. She slept through all the cheering

"Mommy, why am I in this box?"

Her 1st Thanksgiving! Just thought her little onesie was too cute

"Mommy you are so silly!"

December 10, 2012

Our New Life

Note: I know you are excited there is a new blog post, but I want to warn you upfront that there are no cute baby pictures associated with this particular post. Having an annoying time getting the pics loaded to the blog so I have forgone that venture currently. Adorable pictures will be coming soon. Stay tuned! Or just check out my facebook page.

Now on to the post....

Sooooooooo they weren't kidding when they said "your whole life will change after you have a baby". I couldn't fathom what that meant. I knew I would get a little less sleep and I knew we would have a kid, but I didn't really get the part about your "whole life". The Whole Thing?


Yes. Really.
Every single aspect that you can think of.
You name it, it will change.
Your routine, your sanity level, your level of confidence, your sleep (or lack thereof), your priorities, your emotions, your marriage, your friendships, your respect for the rest of humanity.... should I keep going?

It's almost as if I feel like a completely new person who is evolving every day. The things I concerned myself with before are 100 % different from what I think about now. In the span of 9 short weeks - A TON has changed. I have a whole new set of things to stress about. On any given day, these are the random assortment of things I worry about: (In no particular order) :

Am I the worst mom for going back to work and putting my kid in daycare?
If I eat this <insert food here>  will it upset my babies stomach?
Should I have her on a schedule already? Are we the only family with a newborn living in complete chaos?
Will she remember me tomorrow?
Am I going to accidentally drop her?
Should I be giving her less or more baths?
If I forget to put Desitin on her bottom, will she get a diaper rash?
I wonder what a diaper rash feels like...
How can I get into bed at 7pm tonight so that I can get some SLEEP?
I haven't called any of my friends since Elise has arrived - will they forgive me eventually?
I need to remember to tell my mom "thank you" more often. I get what a hard job she had.
Will Casey and I ever go on a date again?
I should buy stock in diapers...
When the heck am I ever going to find time to workout?
I wonder what she is thinking...
Am I doing the right thing by breastfeeding - wouldn't formula be easier?
How long until I know what color her eyes are going to be?

Yeah, I thought the transition from college to my first real job was huge, but this blows that out of the water. And in a good way. I'm so glad these are the thoughts that consume me. I'm so glad I have this beautiful little creature to focus my attention on. I'm so blessed that I'm not having to worry over any health issues that she could have. I'm so filled with joy when I see that little face. I'm so full of love when I think of my little family of three.
What in the world was I living for before? THIS. THIS. is what life is all about. That precious child has really rocked my world. Every single part of my world. And I'm glad for it. Can't wait to continue to share all of our life-altering moments we have in store for us.

P.S. Heads up for all of you who have not yet had kids : YOUR.WHOLE.LIFE.WILL.CHANGE.
And it will be more amazing than you ever thought possible!!!!