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June 29, 2012

Twenty Five Weeks

25 Weeks. Baby Girl Rivals the weight of a Rutabaga
Big week for our baby! She gets to go on her first airplane ride :)

We're headed to San Fransisco for the weekend in honor of our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. Hello Cooler Weather! Highs are supposed to be in the 70's and Low's are a crisp 49 degrees! Feels so wierd packing jackets in my suitcase as I'm sweating through my tank top...

June 21, 2012

Twenty Four Weeks

Our Little Aggie is the size of an ear of corn
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Rib Pain on my right side is now a common companion of mine. To my husband's delight I have just stopped complaining about it as much and instead just grunt and move around when I'm trying to adjust the discomfort. My positive outlook on this situation is that when she is actually born I'll have just another thing to be thankful for. (Relief!)
Growing a little bigger every day in the belly - no major swelling yet (Thank you Jesus)
CRAVINGS: Cantaloupe, Watermelon and all things chocolate or sweet. I was convinced at the beginning of this pregnancy that we were not having a girl because I would get sick anytime I ate sweets.Even my FAVORITE sweets like Key Lime Pie. And as the old wives tales go, if you crave sweets - it's a girl. Thus, I was convinced we were having a boy because I couldn't get enough protien to satisfy me. Ladies and Gentleman, we have since done a 180 and now you can't keep me out of the cookie jar. (literally)

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: There are SO Many sweet moments the further we get into this adventure. You should see the way Casey and I dote over little girls when we see them on TV, on the street, in the stores or basically anywhere in our general vicinity. We went and visited Ashley and Dustin in Bridgeport this weekend. Their daughter, Aubrey, is 20 months old and we watched her like she was a source of magic. It was like by watching her cuteness all weekend, we would somehow absorb how to be great parents and be more prepared for all things girly that our coming our way. It seems to me that parenting should be that easy, so we'll just assume we've got it all figured out and be pleasantly surprised later. : )

Our crib was delivered today so we have a fun weekend ahead of us! Wish us luck as sometimes projects like this seems to bring out the worst in us. Not to mention the pure pressure of assembling millions of small parts on a very important project that will directly affect the safety of our child! Atleast I'm not too big to get down on the ground and be helping Casey assemble parts...

June 14, 2012

Twenty Three Weeks

23 Weeks. Baby Girl is the size of a Large Mango

Found this on another mom's blog and just had to share: I think I'm currently enjoying my 27 minutes in Stage 3 : )

Stages of Pregnancy
Stage 1: You just found out you're pregnant. You're excited (or horrified) and you can't believe you're going to be a mother. You may be scared to give birth and wonder how you're going to do it. Everywhere you look you see pregnant women. You're tired. Like really tired. Every pain and twinge you wonder if it's because you're pregnant. You wonder if people can tell that you're pregnant – sort of like when you wonder if people can tell if you're drunk (hopefully, you aren't wondering this at the same time).

Stage 2: You look fat but not pregnant. You can see people kind of looking at you wondering but it seems weird to blurt out "I'm pregnant!"  You may or may not have told people by now. The people you've told ask you how you're feeling all the time. You may have bought a couple of maternity things that you think you can wear after the baby comes. You may be tired, sick, have sore boobs and have to pee constantly. It's a delicious luck of the draw.

Stage 3: You're really cute and could be an ad for a maternity store. Everyone can see that you're pregnant and congratulate you and tell you how wonderful you look. You feel great. Nothing hurts and you don't feel sick anymore. This stage usually lasts for about 27 minutes.

Stage 4: You're starting to find it hard to breathe and things are starting to swell. You're sick of people asking you if you know what you're having, when you're due and if you've decided on a name. You're tired of wearing the same maternity clothes but you don't want to buy new stuff because you're almost done. Shaving your legs and putting on shoes is becoming difficult.

Stage 5: You feel enormous and none of your maternity clothes fit. You want to crash through walls and shout "oh yeah!" like the KoolAid man. People keep saying "Haven't you had that baby yet?" You have a new appreciation for how difficult it is for the elderly and morbidly obese to get around and swear you're going to become an advocate for their rights once you catch your breath. You're no longer scared of birth you just want this kid out of you and if that means pulling it through your right nostril, so be it.

Stage 6: The baby is here. You want to burn your maternity clothes on the front lawn. You're no longer pregnant and you're looking forward to getting your body back, a full night's sleep and eating a nice, hot meal. Wait. What?

June 6, 2012

Twenty Two Weeks

22 Weeks. Our sweet baby weighs one whole pound
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Had a pain in my right hand side of my ribs set in within the last week and it has NOT been a pleasure getting used to. I (and my doctors) were originally convinced it was my gallbladder and I had an ultrasound to to rule out gallstones. But to my surprise, I am healthy and no organs are getting squished. I know I should be thankful for this news, but I now I am just even more perplexed at what could be causing this intense pressure that is centrally located. Per doctors instructions, I'm trying some stronger antacids for the next week to see if that won't help. Also, Casey and I had a heart to heart last night and I'm dealing with the fact that this just may be normal pregnancy stuff that I'm going to have to grin and bear for the remaining months. Oh how lovely.

CRAVINGS: Seems like they change every week, but there is definitely a trend for sweets that seems to be quadrupling each week. In fact, chocolate is becoming more appetising to me than it ever has. And I'm not craving something simple like a Hershey's bar.. I want something crazy delicious like a brownie that has an Oreo stuffed in it and is covered in fudge. Not going to have anything like that, but I'm just saying it sounds pretty darn good. Thankfully watermelon is still a required staple and at least it has SOME nutrition.

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Felt her hiccup for the first time this week. It actually startled me - It felt so different from her normal kicking and squirming and really shook my whole belly. It was so fun though!