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August 30, 2012

Thirty Four Weeks

Our BIG girls is as big as a Cantaloupe!
 PHYSICAL CHANGES: I know I've probably said this before, but I'm really starting to feel LARGE. Not all over, but definitely in the belly area. I can't just squat down anymore and grab things I've dropped, Putting on my shoes is pretty annoying, rolling over in bed seems like quite a chore, and I keep opening doors and hitting my belly b/c I'm not used to it poking out so far.
On a positive note: my doctor finally listened to me whine enough that she gave me a prescription to stop my heartburn and it worked like magic! Within two days, my Tums consumption had dropped significantly. I wanted to send my doctor flowers (for helping relieve my pain) but on the note I wanted to say: "WHY didn't you give this to me a long time ago - stupid head!!!"
Other than that, most things have stayed the same: Still use a heating bag a night for back relief. I try to put up my feet for at least an hour in the evening to curb the swelling, but by morning my feet are always back to normal though. Hormones fluctuate, but are staying in-line currently. Rib pain is still a constant battle. Baby is still active and kicks alot (which we LOVE) think she is working on kicking out my belly button currently - talk about a weird combo of ticklish and painful at the same time!

CRAVINGS: Watermelon, Grilled Onions & Peppers and Wine. I really haven't craved wine at all this whole pregnancy, but as I sit here and write this, I can't stop drooling over the idea of a cold glass of Pinot Grigio in my hand. MMMMM

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Our shower in Winnsboro was this past weekend !!(Pictures coming soon) and getting to be in the church parlor with all the women of the church being surrounded by pink was so fun! We were reminded over and over again how lucky we are to be the parents of this little blessing. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be able to have children and for trusting us with this one!

August 23, 2012

Thirty Three Weeks

33 Weeks. Baby Girl is the size of a Pineapple

Feeling a little frisky today, So I'm doing something a little different this week. Ladies and Gentleman, I present :

Things I wish I had known BEFORE I got pregnant:
These are probably not things that pertain to ALL girls. But for me, and for what I had read in books prior to being pregnant versus what information I personally needed to know... this would have been a good list to have next to by bed side table to review every night.
  1. Gross things will in fact happen to your body, but you really won't care. I scared myself silly reading all the ways my body would morph and I would say childish things like "gross". I would even obsess over how "un-hot" my body is going to look after. It was like my last chance to get out all the little highschooler insecurities. Now I feel like saying : I'm a woman! Check out what my body can withstand. This should be an Olympic Sport!
  2. Fear of the unknown is the worst part. Every time I read in a book that something was going to happen, I would freak out about it until it happened and then once it did, I always thought "Oh, that's not that bad" Also, I should have not read so many books in advance. Only read the chapter in the book that pertains to where you are in your pregnancy. Reading ahead is pointless because it might not happen to you like they describe and then you've got yourself all worked up for nothing.
  3. You can ALWAYS get MORE Uncomfortable. Just when you think you have peaked on foot soreness, back aches, and indigestion, etc. - another week roles around and it gets worse. I wish I could go back and tell myself at 20 weeks pregnant to STOP complaining and be thankful.
  4. The first 1/2 of pregnancy you will be upset about people not noticing you are pregnant, the second half you will be upset because they DO notice your pregnant you and wonder if that means you are too big for the number of weeks you are pregnant.
  5. Being pregnant is an extremely spiritual experience. Once you take the time to think of what is forming in your womb and how intricate of a system the human body is, you really get blown away. How could a person NOT believe in God when you think of what a fetus is made from and what it becomes. On top of that,when you think of the love you have for your child already and think about having to give that child up to die for other people's sin --- wow, talk about bringing the Jesus Crucifixion to an extremely real and personal moment...
  6. You will not forget everything or lose your mind or get fired from work because of having "pregnancy brain". They are called hormones - not "brain-eating" amoebas. And even if you are absent minded - it's totally cool - the whole world gives you a free pass.
  7. Start wearing maternity clothes sooner rather than later. Don't fight it - you are only making yourself miserable by trying to squeeze into those tight jeans. Let loose and let that belly flow! You'll be much more comfortable, thus much less moody.
  8. Pregnancy brings out the best in your husband. If you ever doubted his sensitivity, you will not after this experience.
  9. You will not get a sonogram every time you go to the doctor. Don't be disappointed - this is normal.
  10. No, you can not shave the dogs or give them away. They are apart of your family and your husband will not tolerate it. Just embrace their dog hair and get over it. They are here to stay - even if your baby does have to crawl through dog hair to get to her toys.
  11. You really wont care what gender they say you are going to have. You THINK you want a certain one, but you'll fall so hard in love with that baby regardless of genitals, you might as well not waste any time wishing one way or the other.
  12. If you have an emotional day, don't worry about it - it will pass. You are not going to be sad, worried or anxious your entire pregnancy. Each just feels like that b/c your hungry and need a snack. If a snack doesn't work - just wait it out. Your hormones will balance themselves out in a few days and you'll be fine. Sheesh - quit freaking out     : )

August 22, 2012

Thirty Two Weeks

This week we decided to take the picture in her room! It's really starting to come together. Here you can see a sneak peak of the bed and bedding. More pictures are coming, we are just finalizing a few things around the room first. I'm way too OCD to show the world a "work in progress" Finalized pictures only :)

August 12, 2012

Thirty One Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain: Enough to make me feel gross if I'm not wearing the perfect thing. I think sometimes even my hair makes me look fat. Appointment this Tuesday to confirm exactly how much has really been gained. My guess? 30 lbs.

Maternity clothes? All day, Every day

Stretch marks? Still happy to report the answer is No
Sleep: Good. It is interrupted 2-3 times a night for a restroom break or to grab some Tums (which is now a staple on the bedside table). But while I am asleep, it is good, hard sleep.
Best moment this week: As much as I am inclined to voice my pregnancy complaints, there really are tons of things to be thankful this week :Decorating the baby room, getting lots of good hand me-downs from my sister, food stored in my freezer for when baby arrives, co-workers who give me grace when I lose my mind and a husband who is incredibly sweet when I'm moody. All blessings I've received just this week! 

Miss Anything? Giving my husband a big bear hug without anything getting in our way :)
Heartburn: Every. Single. Day.

Food cravings: Watermelon, Grilled onions and peppers, Milk, strawberry sauce on ice cream
Swelling?: Yes, at night the feet must go up or my toes look like little vienna sausages. Hard to tell if this is all pregnancy related or if the August heat is playing a role...
Favorite thing about pregnancy so far: Feeling my sweet little girl kick and move. The kind smiles of strangers is pretty cool too!
Least favorite thing about pregnancy so far: Constant heartburn, the uncertainty of ever thing that is to come
Belly Button in or out? It's in an awkward stage. I think the top has started to pop out, but not the bottom. I think it's going to be inevitable that soon I'll be wearing a band aid over my belly button to try and hide it through my shirts

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody :(  I'm in a good mood as I write this, but if the truth be told: The last week has been hot and cold. Hormones seems to be really fluctuating these days.
Looking forward to: Getting lots of rest over the next 8 weeks until our little Elise is here.

Thirty Weeks

30 Weeks. Baby Girl Z stats:
Length: 15 1/2 inches
Weight: ~ 3 Lbs
Fruit: Head of Cabbage
I keep saying this, but it feels like we are in the home stretch. I mean, TECHNICALLY baby will be considered full term at 37 weeks so we could potentially have a healthy baby on September 17th - and that doesn't sound very far away!