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November 29, 2011

More Pictures, if you dare

As a follow up to the last post, I wanted to share some more pictures from our Thansgiving weekend together. I thought about not bothering you with them, but then I realized they were too cute NOT to share.
I've added a little lite commentary with each picture so you won't be lost  :)

We are starting to get more and more pictures that capture little Emily's sweet Smile. Here she is laughing with Grandma

Noah and I had a blast playing together and our only prop was a sleeping bag. Now that's creativity!

OK how precious is this picture? Makes me want to smother him in kisses

We have big smiles because the Texas v. Texas A&M game had not come on yet...

Noah is SO good about talking with his sister... you can tell he can't wait for her to get old enough to play with him

Emily's cute bib says "I'm Stuffed" Doesn't it kind of look like she's a little bird getting food from her mama?

Our little ballerina in her bumbo seat

Emily and I talking about all the shoe shopping we'll do together when she gets older

She likes that idea very much!

Sister and I making some seriously good and seriously homemade Cinnamon rolls

Noah showing Emily how cool the IPhone is. Poor uncle Casey had his phone hijacked most of the weekend

Now, all the other photos have our whole family in white shirts and jeans. This is not a hilarious coincidence, these are our "pre" photos before going to JC Penny's to get some professional photos done. We haven't had a full family photo taken professionally since about 1994 so it was about time. Amen?

Try to forget this picture as you will be seeing it on our Christmas cards very shortly :)

Grandma and Grandad

Big T!

Mom and I horsing around why the rest of the clan finished getting ready 

The Whites - this is pretty much how the whole morning went. If we got one of the kids to look at the camera, the other sweet child would look away. Pretty comical. And made for some very good memories!

Ha ha! To clarify, this was just for fun and to get Noah to have some fun and not be miserable during pictures. It's still pretty funny though

November 27, 2011

Welcome Winter!

The tree is up, the wreath is on the door, the winter clothes are hung in the closet and spring clothes are in their appropriate storage bins. Ahhhh yes, Winter and Christmas is here! I found myself a little sad this morning when I realized we only had less than 30 days until it was all over - you would think with all this effort it would at least be a 2-month holiday.

Quick! Let's name all of our favorite things that Christmas time brings. Ok, since this blog is a one-way sort of thing, I'll just name our favorites and assume you agree with all of them :)

Drum Roll Please..... The Zimmerman's list of all things we love about December :

  1. First and Foremost: The fact that for a month, we get to center our concentration on the blessing of the birth of Jesus Christ. For the big deal that is made about everyone else's birthday, it seems only appropriate that everyone get in a fuss over the biggest birthday celebration of all!
  2. All the giving that takes place between friends and family.
  3. The holiday movies and shows that come on during this time. Our Poor DVR is really going to get a work out this month. (guilty confession: I'll even watch movies that I don't even like that much solely because they are a "tradition" or are "nostalgic". I mean have you seen Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer????? It's actually pretty lame but like I said, I will be recording it and watching it regardless)
  5. The awesome Christmas music. Both the mainstream on the radio as well as the hymns in church. It's all GOOOOOD
  6. The ringing of salvation army bells
  7. Twinkling Christmas Lights everywhere
  8. All the Special Parties and Festivities that take place. There is like a party every night! ... wait, how am I going to fit in all my movie watching? Yikes!
  9. We get to use the fireplace!
  10. Planning special surprises for loved ones
  11. The high spirits that everyone seems to be in
  12. All the extra mail that comes with Christmas cards
  13. warm and comfy coats and sweaters
  14. little kids in their Christmas outfits - could they be cuter?
  15. snuggling with spouses  :)
Before we jump feet first into December, here is a tribute to the last of November:

One of the highlights of our Thanksgiving at Liz's : Sweet Emily Marie. This is her playing with my mom.

The spread. Not bad for us armatures. This is our first year with out my grandmother and Aunt Georgie to lead the charge on cooking. I think we did darn good for our first year - in fact we were sitting down and eating by 12:30. That's what I'm talking about!

Mom and Dad - the main cooks and head turkey carvers

Just had to get a picture of my man doing the dishes. and Look! Thomas is in the back ground helping!

Post-Thanksgiving dinner tradition : Everyone in the living room watching football

Our fireplace all decorated! Nobs wanted in the picture and I couldn't deny him

More mantel. We had to put our tree in this spot this year since we got a bookshelf that is now taking up the corner where we usually put the tree

Entry way hallway. Nativity Scene in the gift box. Get it? Jesus is the best gift of all.  Shucks, I'm smart.

November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well Hello there! Where in the world have you been?
I'm just kidding - I know I'm the one who has been aloof. I guess I just haven't felt very inspired lately... thus the lack of blogging.  BUT with Thanksgiving being just hours away, the holiday season "feeling" is getting into my bones. And I'm just plum excited about the weeks to come! Tons of festivities planned for the month of December and the fun starts this weekend with the celebration of Thanksgiving.
We are headed to my sister's house in Pflugerville tonight for our first Thanksgiving there. I was thinking about it last night and was considering how exciting this was because it is the start of a "new" family tradition. With the passing of my grandmother in January this will be our first round of holidays with out her. Of course we miss her and of course it will be a little sad. I think that is just a testament to what an amazing woman she was. But there is also something to be said about starting new traditions - And who knows - maybe going to "Aunt Liz's" for the holidays will be something our kids will remember from their childhood...

But Hey - I'm getting ahead of myself.

Here's how our holidays are turning out so far :
Last weekend we went to Winnsboro for our Zimmerman family Thanksgiving. As some married couples have to do, we "split" time with each side of our families during the holidays. I love my in-laws and Casey loves his in-laws, but the 5 hours between my parents front door and Casey's parents front door is just too long. So instead of wrecking ourselves by trying to spend all our time in the car on the actual day of holidays - we usually do one weekend with his folks and one with mine around whichever holiday we happen to be celebrating. This year Thanksgiving Day is with my family and Christmas Day is with his family. We usually try to alternate every year - keeps things spicy
OK, that was probably more information than you ever wanted to know - don't worry - there will not be a quiz later.
Back to the story - so we went to Winnsboro last weekend and it was AMAZING. Our 4 Nieces are growing like weeds. (really cute weeds) and we really enjoyed stuffing our faces together, plus all the giggling and gossiping we did. The food spread was delicious and the scale in our bathroom can attest to that!
Side Note : Who would like to join me in a "Swear off the Scale" campaign from now until say... Mid March? If you agree that weight scales are completely inappropriate during this festive season, join me in this revolution to just swear them off all together. Think about it - it would take all the depressing parts out of the holiday. I think I may be on to something...

AND WE ARE BACK - Gosh I've been away from writing so long that I can't seem to stay focused. I tell you what - I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy our pictures from last weekend with my FANTASTIC In-laws. (No, I'm not joking - I really hit the jackpot with them)

The Fabulous Spread Prepared By Jeff and Susie. MMMMM

Casey and Paige. So sweet

The Girls Starting to Dig In

The Next day at Grandma's - Kennedy Kate was playing the piano for us

The 3 older girls and I. Left to Right: Callie, Carley, and Paige
The boys doing what the boys do. Sitting in the living room watching football while the girls chat in the kitchen.

Sweet, Sweet Paige. We were watching a cute Hallmark movie together

OK, I really like this one b/c it's Kennedy Kate with her favorite dish - The Sweet Potato Casserole. I can't figure out how to turn it so I just need you to turn your head. Thanks for your cooperation!

We hope that all of our friends and family have a great day with family tomorow and that you be mindful all day of all the wonderful, many blessings that God has given you this year.

Casey and Kristi

November 9, 2011

Music can be crazy sometimes

I love the Christian radio station that I listen to. It's a station based out of the Houston area and they play some really good Christian music. Like, really good. I used to not like Christian "pop" music when it was first becoming popular with artists like DC Talk and the likes. Maybe it was my age or just music preference at the time, but I always thought that Christian music outside of the hymns at church were just pretty cheesy.
Then I found KSBJ (my radio station) and since then have found another good station on XM radio that I like to jam to. Sometimes I can be having a perfectly good morning and find myself screaming lyrics at the top of my lungs before I even get to work. Or I can be focusing on something idiotic and hear a sweet tune that calms my little soul. So today I shouldn't have been surprised when I heard a song that stuck in my gut, but it kind of blind sided me. The words lept out of my speakers and into my heart.
Since this little blogger is not feeling very inspired at the moment to write, I'm just going to post the lyrics and call it a day.


Heard you were up all night
Thinking about how your world ain't right
And you wonder if things will ever get better
And you're asking why is it always raining on you
When all you want is just a little good news
Instead of standing there stuck out in the weather

Oh, don't hang your head
It's gonna end
God's right there
Even if it's hard to see Him
I promise you that He still cares

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
And things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger

Try and do the best you can
Hold on and let Him hold your hand
And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus
Oh, lift your head it's gonna end
God's right there
Even when you just can't feel Him
I promise you that He still cares

'Cause if He started this work in your life
He will be faithful to complete it
If only you believe it
He knows how much it hurts
And I'm sure that He's gonna help you get through this

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
In time it's gonna get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger