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October 26, 2013

Sleeping angel

October 24, 2013

A year in Reflections

When we were in the first 4 weeks of Elise's life, I thought it was the hardest. I felt like one day during the second month of her life, I finally "woke up" and felt a tiny bit like a human again. Once we reached the 6 month mark, I thought we had cleared another big hurdle. We had gone through our first winter chock full of day-care colds. I was still breastfeeding but I could see the light at the end. Now that One year has come and gone, I feel like we have survived the hardest year of our life. All the consecutive nights of sleeplessness are behind us, my child can be mobile on her own, she can eat everything we eat, and is starting to communicate with us.(Mom's who have gone through the terrible two's and teenage years will probably laugh at me because they know better.) HOWEVER since I only have the experiences that I have been through, I can only surmise we have accomplished something great. Allow me to be bold and boast that we have survived the first year of parenthood!!!

I'll pause for your applause.

Although I 1000% realize that I will one day look back on this and laugh at how much I.did.NOT.Know, I kind of feel confident right now. (Which is a huge new breakthrough.) But before I go and get a big head, let's talk about some exciting things I learned over the last year:

1. You cannot spoil an infant. Hold the baby 24/7 for the first 2 months of it's life and it will still want to wiggle out of your arms as soon as it becomes mobile.
2. It is extremely hard to change a baby's bed with baby bumpers on. Do you take the bumpers off everytime you wash sheets? No, you just jam your fingers trying to wedge that stupid crib mattress down. I count it as a 15 minute workout everytime I do it.
3. Baby wipes are multi-purpose. They can clean a bottom, take makeup off without a problem and even wipe down bathroom counters in a pinch.
4. A full baby is a happy baby. Just feed the baby first and if that doesn't work - work down the list of other qualms.
5. Your hormones rage for much longer than just during pregnancy. I'm going to venture out and say mine are still not the same as pre-pregnancy. I think it has something to do with the massive amount of love that pours out of your heart and the expansive amount of responsibility you are thrown into. Bad combo.
6. Being a mother has given me a LOT more grace towards society as a whole. ESPECIALLY other mom's. I will never judge another mother again. As long as she is trying, she's allright by me. None of us know what the hell we're doing and to judge another mother based on how much of a mess her child is, how loud they are or what brand of diapers they wear is ridiculous. Being a mother is an excellent tool that God uses to humble women. I trully believe that.
"Oh, you're a hot woman in your twenties with a fantastic job and walk around extremely self-centered???BOOM! Here's a kid. Lessons learned."
7. Becoming a mother made me a little bit of a road-rager. Never before did I get angry when driving, but if I'm on my way to pick up my child and there is a traffic jam? Move over buddy! You've got one hot momma on your hands!
8. Having children at approximately the same time as your friends is a must. We would not have survived the first year with any dose of sanity had we not had fellow 'trainees' to swap stories with and cry with. 

September 24, 2013


So I realize that the internet cannot solve all our problems. but since I'm from a generation where it is a fast resource tool, I find myself using it more than referring to books. And to my sweet surprise, I realized my phone keeps a record of my recent 'search' history. Hooray! Now I have a way to chronicle all the uncertainty that I have navigated on this road called motherhood. : )
Apparently my phone only goes back 6 months, but this is the list since March. Man, I wish I could see what I searched during the first few months of Elise's life.

Kristi's internet searches in March 24th, 2013. All of these are absolutely true and hilarious

  • Red spots on baby's bottom
  • fisher price toys
  • hormone crash after stop breastfeeding
  • Ear infections
  • Post-weaning blues
  • how long does baby ear infection last
  • how many ounces should a baby have in a day
  • feeding tips 
  • phone apps for parents
  • University Pediatric Association
  • kayro syrup and babies ?
  • when baby's poop texture changes
  • Little Bunny Foo-Foo Lyrics
  • how to stop co-sleeping
  • I suck at letting my baby cry-it out
  • Lollacup
  • 8 month old will not sleep
  • sleeping in your babies crib
  • ways to get your baby to sleep
  • Prayers for mothers
  • baby ear wax
  • baby sleep training
  • cry-it-out methods
  • working mothers guilt
  • my 10 month old has an attitude
  • far-sightedness in infants
  • glasses for children
  • Toddler nap guide
  • benefits of in-home child care

Baby proofing - Zimmerman Style

Check out all the new additions to our house :)

Baby gate strategically around the dog food because we've learned that Elise really likes that stuff! 
Baby gate around the entire TV area - because it's just easier than saying "NO" two thousand times a day 
Bouncer still in front of the fireplace even though she hasn't used it in months. All because it distracts her from the ACTUAL fireplace and all the danger there. 
Adult items on top, baby things on bottom. Now mommy doesn't care what gets pulled off and thrown on the floor 
Obviously. I mean, what are we - amateurs? 
Toys just line the walls!
I thought having baby stuff everywhere would annoy me, but instead I love it!
More toys - These are lining the walls of our bedroom. All beautiful distractions for a very curious girl. This stuff buys mommy at least 20 minutes to put on make up in the morning 
Hard to tell, but this exer-saucer is up on its side hiding a huge pile of cords and computer accessories. So clever!

September 5, 2013

What a working mom looks like

In our house, a working mom: 
Hasn't gotten her hair cut in over 6 months because...well... I guess it just hasn't made it to the top of the list yet. 

Spends her lunch breaks doing laundry, grocery shopping and stocking the toy chest so that she can give her full attention to baby in the evenings

Cleans her floor for different reasons. Not so company will compliment her mad housekeeping skills, but so her daughter can crawl anywhere she wants without rolling in dog hair

Goes running BEFORE work because this baby fat ain't coming off on its own and there's too much fun to be had in the evenings to consider working out then

Takes help from her parents! My mom has cooked 3 meals a week for us since they moved here. I'm not ashamed- I'm proud!! My poor husband would have been eating sandwiches this whole time had it not been from our helpers! 

In our house, a working mom: 
Is secretly happy breast feeding is over-Pumping in a closet at work can really get old!! 

Has amped up her prayer life to a new level- I like to think I have my own personal 'angel fleet' watching over Elise all day and night. The chief angels? My grandmother and Casey's nanny.

Has learned to squeeze 'date night' in with the hubby in just 2 hours after baby girl is asleep. No roses and movies needed. Just laughter and cuddling makes the parenting world go round.

Is still figuring out how to balance all aspects of life. Props to moms with multiple kids! Wife,mom, employee... Sheesh! There's a lot to do.

Realizes parenting is the toughest job you'll ever love

August 15, 2013

Ten Months

Likes: vegetables, drinking out of her sippy cup, watching her puppies, being chased by mommy and daddy, reading books, pulling books off the bookshelf, being told 'no' so that she can shake her head, smile and then do what she's not supposed to.

Does not like: getting into the car seat, having things taken away from her, when mommy won't pick her up upon demand, sleeping with a blanket, waking up

Things that suprise mommy and daddy: How quickly she learns, the random nuances that she has genetically inherited from us (who knew certain things could even be passed down!?!?!?). That a 10 month old can have so many preferences, and that having a kid can simultaneously be the best and hardest thing on your marriage.

August 13, 2013

Lessons I did not realize I would learn

Being a first time mother, I am 100% aware there are things that I am naive about. Every day I'm introduced to something else that I had no idea about in regards to parenting and motherhood. Even though I knew I didn't know everything there was to being a mother, I still wanted to 'figure it out on my own'.

I just recently discovered that is an idiotic way to think.

Prior to this recent revelation, I almost always questioned friends and family members when they told me things about children. Little antedots, or lessons...advice, etc. I would be prideful and think "that won't happen to us" or "I'm not like that" or my favorite "My kid won't do THAT"


I will now be quiet and listen intently anytime one of these mothers speak. Time and time again, I have been caught with my foot in my mouth as I am sitting in the moment that one of these wise women have told me I would be in... and I think to myself 'Yup, this is what they were talking about... '
Mother's would tell me that babies don't need to be entertained when they are newborns. There are no lessons to teach them or games to play. Crazy Kristi thought: Horse Radish! I insisted on having toys infront of Elise's face anytime her eyes were open. I can't just let her LAY there. I mean good grief,there is so much to teach her! Oh, what a silly mom I am. Once she actually became active and attentative I realized quickly that there was no way she was paying attention to me before. Heck, She was probably scared to death of me for always being in her face! I'm sure she was thinking: Just let me figure out how to eat and breath mom! Can we cool it on the lesson over colors and shapes?!?! Sheesh!

I also thought everyone was exagerating on the amount of diapers that babies went through. Why would the entire world (including renowned authors) lie about such a fact? I have no idea, but I just couldn't fathom going through 15 diapers a day! Lesson learned.

I was told by multiple mother friends that you have to "train" your child to sleep. (If you aren't one of the lucky few who have a kid that shoots out of the womb already knowing how to sleep 8 hours thru the night) I spent the first 9 months of my child's life convincing myself that our kid was different. Altough she was a TERRIBLE sleeper, I just knew that one day she would grow out of it and just casually crawl herself into her bedroom, ask to be put in her crib and fall soundly asleep while humming the tunes of a beautiful church hymn. Ok that is a little far-fetched, but I just KNEW that I wouldn't have to make my daughter cry to get her to see she could sleep on her own. I just KNEW that she would out grow her need to be patted down every 45 minutes. And once again, I was wrong. Should have listened to all those seasoned mothers and sleep trained Elise 5 months ago. Would have saved alot of sanity and tears.Both for the baby AND the parents! My mom and dad actually had to do it for us, because we couldn't handle to hear her cry (seperate blog post on this upcoming). Regardless of who did it, the fact was that it actually had to be done. And now we are all happier and healthier for it.

The sleep thing was one of the last real good lessons I recieved. The lesson: Listen to your fellow mothers!!!(or the ones who have done it before). Save yourself the grief and just follow their advice. They've already scouted out the territory for you. For once in your life as a mom, take the easy road!

Birthday Party Time!

Recently I was engulfed in planning Elise's first birthday party. Mid-way thru my 11th pin on her "birthday board" on pinterest, I recalled a moment from my past. 
Allow me to set the scene: 7 months ago, I sat and listened as one of my co-workers described the details of her daughter's upcoming birthday party. It was going to be a BIG Deal. The mom spent almost every lunch break picking up items for the party,spent her nights crafting signs and had a big photo shoot for the girl. I though to myself, hmmm....For Elise's first birthday I bet we just do something small at the house with a few family members- no decorations or anything. It's not THAT big of a deal, I mean the kid won't even remember the party. 
Fast forward to the present: I'm pumped up about preparing for this event. It's still going to be at our house and won't involve any circus animals, but I GET.IT. I get why she was so excited and spent so much time preparing for the party. Because you LOVE your kids and celebrating their life is your reason for breathing! Plus, it's a great time to just acknowledge the fact that you and your spouse kept another human being alive and well for the last year! Now that's worth a party!

August 9, 2013

Guilty as charged

New mommy guilt is a real thing. And it seems to be only increasing as Elise grows older. Thus, I guess it should just be called 'mommy guilt' no need to add the new. 
I've prayed out loud for God's help more in the last couple of weeks than I have as far back as I can remember. Things aren't stressful (not more than one would anticipate) its just there are ALOT of things to second guess yourself on when you are in charge of another human being. And when your life is so dramatically different. Also, I think the fact that you love someone soooooooo much, your heart is a little more tender and more open to self-critism. Whatever the reason, guilt is a surprising addition to the already large array of emotions thrown at you in motherhood.  Ok, just for laughs, lets go over my recent favorites: I feel guilty for being a working mother, I feel guilty when I think she is too hot or cold, I feel guilty that I make her wear bows everyday and she probably is annoyed by them, I feel guilty when I look at my phone when she is around, I feel guilty when she scratches herself bc her finger nails need to be cut, I feel guilty when all I want is a nap and she wants to play with me. I feel guilty when the TV is on, I feel guilty that I don't do more creative activities with her like those moms on Pinterest do...


Didn't think I could come up with that many of the top of my head, did ya? 

All this time I thought parents were up all night worrying, hmmmm maybe they just are up feeling guilty about all their parenting mistakes??

Or both???

Ahhhh, the joys of parenting 

July 5, 2013

Mommy dont you dare forget

A letter to myself: 
Don't you dare forget how sweet this baby smells right after a bath( and pretty much anytime) don't forget how good it feels to have this warm body in your arms. Please don't forget how good these giggles and smiles make you feel. Please let my mind never let go of the sensation of her hand on my chest as she snoozes. Don't forget how fun bath time is with mommy and daddy singing silly songs to a sweet smiling girl with long brown bangs. Don't forget those lushes eyelashes that bat at you as she dreams.  As she grows and our life hurries along, please don't forget this soft skin that nustles in your neck. Lord in heaven please grant me this: that all these perfect moments stay strong in my mind. These moments that I live for and thirst for- let their memories not fade as time goes. Please preserve this for me. Unlike books that are weathered over time, please let these precious memories stay fresh and crisp. I love every single moment of this child's life and I want it to stand still so badly so I can really soak it in. But the world was not created to stand still. So instead I just plead with my own self to just cement these moments for later enjoyment. Please make sure to file these moments somewhere super safe. In the safety deposit box of the mind. Mommy- dont you dare forget. 

June 3, 2013

The best things we've experienced so far

A baby who is so calm and cool that she'll happily comply with a day on the golf course with mom and dad. Even if we strap her in white-trash style 

A beautiful girl who looks darn good in a tutu and like taking pictures

Happy girl who loved the beach! Not the water so much, but definitely that sand!! 

A curious child- fearless. She didn't even mind chowing down on a lime a couple times

April 8, 2013

Elise lately

March 24, 2013

Bath time fun!!!

This girl loves her bathes!!! We are so lucky to have such an easy going daughter

March 19, 2013

Great baby, terrible sleeper

Our baby is completely healthy and such a happy baby! I'm assuming God did not want to make all the other mommies jealous so He made her a terrible sleeper so that we would stay humble. And tired obviously. She is no doubt the biggest blessing we have been given. Our little blessing just did not come with an 'off' mode. or not one that we can find consistently. She doesn't sleep at day care for more than 30 minutes at a time, doesn't sleep soundly at night. She doesn't get the amount of sleep that her age should get...

So to look at the monitor and see this is like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow:

March 16, 2013

Breakfast with Elise

Just us two girls chatting over breakfast. What a wonderful Saturday morning

March 15, 2013

Growing up

Seems like once Elise hit the three/four month mark, she really started growing up fast. The first several months were just eating sleeping and pooping. (Just like everyone jokes about!)
Now every day is a new adventure and new milestone. Here's a little bit of what is new for Elise:

She can almost sit up by herself without toppiling over. She also loves her feet and they are constantly in her mouth
She started being fed rice cereal and baby food! So far we have tried : peaches, sweet potatoes and tonight we are planning on green beans!
She gets tired and passes out after too much play. This is photo evidence from day care.  
We had our first boo-boo. You can't really see it, but she has a little red mark on her forehead from where a clipboard fell on her. It actually happened at Day care while I was still there - I can testify it was a complete freak accident. To say the least, mommy was tardy going to work that day. Not going to leave my baby upset like that!

She is now sleeping on her tummy in her own bed. (in her own room) That's like 3 new things at once! I'm actually pretty proud of us considering we didnt think she would sleep in her own room until she was 10

The many names of Elise

She's been here 5 months and has really racked up quite a few nicknames in that short of time. Here is a list of our favorites:

(most of these are said in cheesy accents)

Elise Faith
Baby Girl
Pretty Girl
Sister Girl
Snuggle Bunny
Miss America
Sugar Butt
Cutie Patutie
No Ma'am   :)

Here are some of my favorite smiling pictures from lately...

Her first time in the Exersaucer at Daycare! They are so sweet and send us pictures like this one to brighten my day

Such a happy baby!

January 15, 2013

Elise's Dedication

The happy family

The cake I had made to celebrate.

All dressed up. This is my baptismal gown that my mother and grandma both wore. We added a matching shrug and a pink hair bow and boom! My daughter is a winter wonderland princess.

As cute as she looks, this isn't even her best smile. Just the best one I could capture on camera that morning

All of her goodies laid out

The pearl bracelet that we got her to wear and the baby ring that her grandmother got her.