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September 5, 2011

The roads we travel...

What a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Not only did we get a 3 day break from work and the Aggie football team dominated, we also were able to travel to see some friends that we haven't seen face-to-face in a while.
Team Krasey headed to North Texas to visit our fabulous friends in Runaway Bay and Bedford. Both the Smalley's and Lloyd's have precious baby girls who kept us entertained and full of smiles. Let me be honest and say that when Casey and I envision having a family of our own, we have always guessed that we would prefer boys. (as if the choice is up to us) BUT being around those little girls, really opened up our eyes to the joys of what little girls bring to their families in ways that boys just probably couldn't. The sweet smells, the pink clothes, the pretty eyes...
Here's a re-cap of each visit:
Ashley and Dustin welcomed beautiful Aubrey Jeanne in November of last year and I'm ashamed to say we were meeting her for the first time this weekend. Our first attempt to meet her last December was foiled by the nasty cold Casey and I both got. Turns out new mom's don't like the chance of colds transferring to their precious children before Christmas. Go Figure :) We attempted again to visit Aubrey in the spring but both families schedules were just too full. But let me tell you ---- our visit was completely worth the wait! Aubrey is at the most adorable stage !!!! She warmed up to Casey and I immediately and those little legs and arms were intoxicating. We were also lucky enough to be there to witness some of her very first steps! How fun! Congrats to Dustin & Ashley for making such a cute kid! (see pictures below as proof) We spent the afternoon on Saturday enjoying football, relaxing, drinking a few beers and having a lot of hilarious conversations. A very needed visit. Thank you God for good friends. After church and a ridiculously good lunch on Sunday, we put another book-on-CD in the car's player and headed over to Bedford.
"Mrs. T" is the nickname for Erin and Amber's little girl Taylor. She has grown so much since we saw her last - which was when she first started walking. Now 2 years and 3 months old - she has turned into quite the precious toddler! Her brown eyes are as big as saucers and once she warmed up to the two of us, she had a smile that went on forever.
We all went to the Bedford Bar-b-q and Blues festival to help Erin celebrate his 30th birthday. Heard some really good music and managed to only eat a cup full of sand. It appears North Texas has had the same severe drought as we have had 4 hours south of them. The beautiful part of the outdoor concert was the fact that the temperature dropped and we were able to enjoy sitting outside for 5 hours without really sweating. I'll wait why you compose the shock you must feel from hearing that statement.
After the blues concert, we headed back to the Lloyd's house and watched the Aggie Game we had DVR'd. Then we got exposed to the wonders of "Kinect" It's basically the X-box's version of the Nintendo Wii. Casey is trying to convince me to get one. Like we need another gaming system in our house. Sheeesh.
Since the temperature is so perfect today, I'm heading out for a nice evening run - something I haven't been able to enjoy for several months. Thank goodness for the indoor elliptical machine or I would have put on 20 pounds this summer!

Look at her Go!
Just try and not be melted by those baby blue eyes
Fun at the Concert!
Mrs.T Being Sily with mom and dad


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