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July 5, 2013

Mommy dont you dare forget

A letter to myself: 
Don't you dare forget how sweet this baby smells right after a bath( and pretty much anytime) don't forget how good it feels to have this warm body in your arms. Please don't forget how good these giggles and smiles make you feel. Please let my mind never let go of the sensation of her hand on my chest as she snoozes. Don't forget how fun bath time is with mommy and daddy singing silly songs to a sweet smiling girl with long brown bangs. Don't forget those lushes eyelashes that bat at you as she dreams.  As she grows and our life hurries along, please don't forget this soft skin that nustles in your neck. Lord in heaven please grant me this: that all these perfect moments stay strong in my mind. These moments that I live for and thirst for- let their memories not fade as time goes. Please preserve this for me. Unlike books that are weathered over time, please let these precious memories stay fresh and crisp. I love every single moment of this child's life and I want it to stand still so badly so I can really soak it in. But the world was not created to stand still. So instead I just plead with my own self to just cement these moments for later enjoyment. Please make sure to file these moments somewhere super safe. In the safety deposit box of the mind. Mommy- dont you dare forget.