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September 29, 2011

The 1600 Report (1600 Pensylvania Avenue that is)

It is official Ladies and Gentleman! We are headed to Washington, DC. And we are headed there soon! Next Wednesday we are flying out of Houston and will spend 4 tremendous days exploring our nations capital (and we are SO PUMPED). Upon return on Saturday I fully expect to weigh 5-7 pounds more (from the delicious food I plan on consuming) and have some seriously sore feet from all the walking I'm sure we'll do. Casey and I both really enjoy seeing the historic landmarks at the places we've traveled thus far and so what better place to be to explore all the history a girl and boy could dream about ? Why, Washington, DC - that's where!
Casey has two more weeks of vacation to kill this year, so his lovely wife will be joining him on one of those weeks and we decided to travel to a place neither of us have been before, but really want to go. (For the other week, I am selling him to the highest bidder-just contact me if you are interested. Ok, I'm kidding.)
Because it was sort of a last minute trip, we got some really great deals and will probably still be able to afford to bring home souvieners if you play your cards right. :)
My fabulous parents have agreed to take us to and from the airport and keep the dogs while we are away. In exchange, we will probably have to give up our first child but we'll contemplate the consequences later...No really, we are so thankful that my dad is officially retired and is willing and able to help us out on our random adventures. We realize how lucky we are to have traveled all the places that we have this year and are just so excited to knock another location off of our "bucket lists"

So, Don't worry American Citizens : Team Krasey is headed to Washington, DC to straighten out the government. When we return next week Social Security will be fixed, Health Care will no longer be "Obama Care" and the Washington Monument will be crack free.

.........and if not, we atleast got to have a little vacation together and enjoy the beautiful weather in a place where the high is only 70 degrees. I mean, what else do you want from us?


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