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September 15, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Move out of the way work-week, you can't hold us back anymore. Toot! Toot! Weekend : here we come! (In background some man with a deep-voice yells : "ALL ABOARD!")
Want to know what Team Krasey is doing this weekend? I thought so! Isn't it crazy how I can just read your mind?

So, this weekend is going to be special because our niece Emily (see adorable picture below) will be getting baptized on Sunday in Pflugerville. Mike and Liz have asked that Casey and I be the God-parents to little Emily so we have a special responsibility on that sweet life that we are honored and humbled by. The whole Tilton gang will be at my sister's house this weekend for the event, and it will be so great to see everyone at the same time. You see, for one reason or another, life always keeps it where one or two of us can't come to certain events so when all 5 of the "original" Tilton's and their families are in one place at the same time - well, it's worth celebrating! (And in our family we like to celebrate with wine and snacks! yumm yumm!)

Last weekend was with the Zimmerman's and this weekend with the Tilton's - not a bad way to start the month of September off. We Loooooove our Families.

Only sad part is we will be missing the second home football game of our beloved Aggies. Really, when you compare the two (baptism v. football game) it's easy to see which one holds precedence, but still - we love our Aggies! I heard somewhere today that we are expected to win by a large spread, so hopefully that will be the case. Plus our I-phones are super handy in keeping us informed of game stats.

Both Casey and I had a pretty decent week : We both won our fantasy football match-up for the week, nothing really dramatic happened at the work places and we both made it to the end of the week safe and with our sanity entact. I call that a success! I'm assuming that when we have kids, our weeks will be measured in milestones that the child reaches (for example: so and so started walking this week, or so and so ate her first jar of baby food, etc.) but as for now, our weeks are nice and calm, and rarely something ground-breaking to report. I will say that I made some killer Verde-enchiladas last night that were note-worthy. Not to brag or anything...

Other than that, we just had our usual evenings of reading,playing X-box, watching movies,playing with the dogs, and over-all just lounging at the house. Yes, life is good in the Zimmerman household.

From our house to yours :

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend full of friends,

fun and whatever else suits your fancy.

Until next time, feast your little eyes on this doll we call Emily Marie. She's gauranteed to bring a smile to your face

Told ya.


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