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September 19, 2012

Thirty Seven Weeks

37 Weeks - Baby Girl is FULL TERM!

Thirty Six Weeks

Baby Elise is the size of a 6 lb. Watermelon!
Dear Sweet, Sweet Daughter:

I feel like it is only appropriate to start off by telling you that the word 'excitement' is an understatement in our house right now. Because your daddy and I are so head over heels in love with you - the anticipation of getting to see your face is almost too much to bear. In addition, mommy is being a little selfish with her body and would like it back so she is EXTRA excited for you to make your way here! Just so you know : your due date is October 8th. Which gives us less than a month of waiting left. I just wanted to bring that to your attention incase you hadn't started to pack your bags. Don't worry about bringing any clothes - we've been given PLENTY so your wardrobe is already taken care of. And let me tell you girl - you are going to be so stinking cute!

I wanted to re-assure you of some things so you felt comfortable making your way to this side of the womb. If you are anything like your mom, you like a little planning so I thought you would appreciate some of this:
  • Your room is D.O.N.E. It would have been done a little sooner but mommy had a little meltdown last week and took everything out of the drawers, but dad swooped in and saved the day and now your room is back to normal. All clothes are washed, diaper pail is ready to go, bed is made and the decorations are hung perfectly. We know you aren't going to really sleep in there for the first few months, but I just thought I'd let you know it was ready incase you were scared to come home to a construction zone.
  • Your dad and I have completed all of our child-prep classes and we are starting to feel like little smarty pants. You will certainly throw us for some loops, but atleast we have a tiny grasp on what to expect.
  • The car seat and stroller have arrived. Not put in the car yet, but we'll get that done this weekend.  Don't let that hold you up because I'm sure it won't take that long.
  • Our "go" bags are lying out and pretty much ready to go. Well, your dad only has pajamas packed but he says he can finish the rest in a hurry
  • Your entire extended family is ready to drop their schedule at a drop of a hat when you say you are ready. Everyone will be here so get excited!!!

September 5, 2012

Thirty Five Weeks

35 Weeks. Baby and Mommy are both running out of room!

How far along? 35 Weeks and 3 days  (An ETERNITY)

Total weight gain: 33 lbs (the Weight of a 3 year old hanging on me
Maternity clothes? Is it possible to grow out of maternity clothes?

Stretch marks?  SO SAD to report that yes, I do in fact have one stretch mark on each side of my hips. OHHHH THE HORROR!!!!
Sleep: Let me level with you: Sleep is not the greatest. Hard to get comfy, hard to stay comfy. Haven't slept through the night once since at least June. Oh to have one blissful night where I don't wake up for 8 hours.

Best moment this week: Seeing the calender turn to September. We have waited for this month for so long. This month starts the baby preparation classes and the light at the end of the tunnel is near.

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep on my stomach, feeling attractive, and running. (in that order)
Heartburn: Much better than the first 3 quarters of the pregnancy. Now that I've got that new prescription, my life has gotten a lot better! (said the girl headed to rehab)

Food cravings: The usual suspects: Watermelon, sweets and anything cold. But let's be real - I'll eat anything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Never have really gotten back to pulled pork.  

Anything make you scared: The thought of going into labor without Casey or my mom around. If either of them get more than 2 hours away from me, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.

Belly Button in or out? 1/2 in, 1/2 out
Wedding rings on or off? Off. As of two days ago, I had to take off the wedding rings because they are cutting off circulation. A cool front is supposed to hit our area this weekend so I'm hoping maybe my fingers go back down and I can get them on again. Crossing my chubby little fingers on that one.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I'm not proud to report it, but those are the facts.
Looking forward to: THE DELIVERY! This baby can start her evacuation plan as soon as she would like as far as I'm concerned. The room is mostly ready and I'm ready to have my baby in my arms, instead of in my ribs. Can I get an AMEN?