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July 25, 2012

Twenty Nine Weeks

Baby is 29 Weeks. Just in time for daddy's 29th birthday!
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Started waking up more frequently in the middle of the night. Sometimes to use the ladies room and sometimes because I'm in a desperate need of Tums. Either way, it's annoying, but I get back to sleep pretty quickly. Back pain has increased a little bit. Thankfully when we were visiting Bridgeport in June, Ash gave me this awesome rice bag that heats up in the microwave. I use that sucker every single day - brings sweet relief pretty much instantaneously. After all the things I could complain about-I do have one positive physical note : we are able to feel baby move pretty much anytime we want. She is so active that we are already constantly engaged with her. She hasn't taken any sharp jabs to my internal organs so that's nice too. When the family was in for our baby shower last weekend, I think everyone who wanted to got to feel her squirm around in my belly. It's so fun already sharing her with our family.

CRAVINGS: Watermelon and ice cold water have been the main cravings of the week (again). As the heat continues to increase, I'm sticking to those cold items to satisfy my appetite. I realize how healthy that must sound, but I must confess that fast food fries have been very hard to avoid lately :)

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: We've graciously been given lots of little girl clothes from friends and family. After going through the loot and organizing it all- we finally got around to washing all the clothes this week. You should have seen how cute our laundry was! An entire washer full of pink clothes and they smelled OOOOOO soooo good. Got the 'Baby Magic' brand of laundry detergent. That stuff is like baby crack. When I pulled the load out of the dryer we both let out a sigh at how cute our laundry had become. Turns out if you add some cute baby clothes to laundry, that chore gets a little more fun!

Twenty Eight Weeks

Hello 3rd Trimester! Baby is the size of a Chinese Cabbage

Ok, I'm not that wild about this picture.When I envisioned doing these weekly pictures, I never thought I would stoop so low as to take one in workout clothes. These were supposed to be beautifully orchestrated pictures that made me look "barely" pregnant and always glowing : )  BUT It was Monday night, we were in the living room with pieces of the changing table all around us - just waiting to be assembled and we remembered it was Picture day! What's a girl to do? Hurry up, take the picture and get back to assembling baby furniture before her husband loses motivation! Thus, Week 28 is not mommy's most proud pic - but hey - the nursery now has all assembled furniture! Plus Elise might as well realize already that mommy is often in sweats and a t-shirt at home. We'll call this picture our "reality" pregnant photo.

So here we are in the 3rd trimester. What better way to start off the third trimester than with a baby shower!?!?!?!?

This Saturday we had our first baby shower. Talk about a surreal moment!  I was getting dressed in my bathroom with my sister and I just couldn't believe we were actually getting ready for my BABY shower. Weren't we just getting my wedding dress on a few weeks ago? Sheesh - time flies when you are having fun!
Our fabulous friends put on a "shower" that was different from what you usually think about as a baby shower.And I should really use that phrase lightly. It was mostly college and local friends with a few of our closest couple friends. There was beer, BOYS came, and the food was heavy and delicious. Nothing like what you usually think about when you hear the words "baby shower". AND WE LOVED IT!

I picked some of my favorite pictures to re-cap the event :

Although delicious tacos and Mexican food was our main meal, we still got indulge with some pink cupcakes and lemonade!
Check it out! Boys at a baby shower!!
Our beautiful hosts

Plenty of pink and clothes to see for miles and miles

The mastermind behind it all. My bfffffffff Crystal
The Varner girls made a special trip in, so sweet
Parents to be and the Grandparents

July 12, 2012

Twenty Seven Weeks

27 Weeks. Our little sunshine tips the scale at over 2 pounds
How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days. Some books count the third trimester starting at 27 weeks and some count it at 28 weeks. I'm officially in the middle so I say that we are in the third trimester. WHOOP!!
Wait... that means this baby is going to come out soon...
Total weight gain: A lady never tells. Especially a lady who has gained 24 lbs in 27 weeks. (hypothetically speaking of course)
Maternity clothes? 100% of the time. Is it possible to outgrow maternity clothes?
Stretch marks? No. Thank you mom for that great hereditary trait!

Sleep: I need more of it - know where I can get some?

Best moment this week: Laying on the couch with Casey and "playing" with Elise through my stomach. She responds to her daddy's voice intensely - so sweet
Miss Anything? Maybe one day I will be able to put something BESIDES beer, but I'm sticking with that for now.
Heartburn: My esophagus is constantly on fire. I think we've moved past heartburn

Food cravings: Watermelon.
Anything making you queasy or sick: None whatsoever at this point
Favorite thing about pregnancy so far: The anticipation of meeting my daughter

Least favorite thing about pregnancy so far: constantly grunting when I move :)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our shower this weekend