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October 29, 2011

Things I learn from my sister

I would like to take a minute to send a quick shout-out to my sister for being such an amazing role model to my brother and I. Disclosure: My sister isn't one for attention so if she knew I was posting this in advance she would probably kill me. BUT when a girl is as praise-worthy as my sister has been - she's got to be honored.
Am I right?
As the older sister of a "big-mouth little sister" like myself and a "keep-to-himself kid" like my brother - its safe to say that she's had a handful to deal with as the eldest sibling.
She's 6 years older than me and 9 years older than my brother and you wouldn't be able to tell the age gap because she does such a good job of keeping us close. (plus she looks wicked young for her age). She has a gift passed down from my grandmother that encourages, and sometimes demands, the closeness of the family bond. She's excellent about remembering what's going on a daily basis in every one's life, is super good about consistently calling, and overall would pick her family over her bestie any day,
What a great example to set.

But  there has been another great example that my sister has set recently: Perseverance of Faith
So you'll fully understand, let me give you some backgound: Liz & Mike had their second child in July and blessed our family with little Emily Marie.

(That is Emily at 3 months-taken just a few days ago)
 And what a whirl wind of cuteness Emily has brought to the Tilton clan in the last 3 months!!! If you've seen my nephew (Noah) you know my sister and Mike have a knack for making cute kids, but that is not their only gift (as if you need another one). Mike and Liz have a gift of faith and it has been on bright-billboard display recently. All because of the help of sweet Emily.Emily was born with some hearing problems, so Liz and Mike have had some extra trials to deal with besides the usual wear & tear that comes with a newborn. Yes, besides the sleepless nights, exploding diapers and excessive crying that comes with a newborn, they have also been dealing with extra doctor appointments, extensive research and the reality that little Emily will have some special needs as she gets older. Hearthbreaking news for any parents, especially parents of newborns. But they have done AWESOME! My heart just beams with pride - and its been inspiring to watch. I just can't believe how lucky I am to have a sister and brother-in-law that are so strong in their faith that they can handle a mountain like the one they've been given to climb. It's been a little over two months since we discovered Emily's hearing loss and she is due to be getting her hearing-aids in just a few weeks and I'm just about to bust with excitement to see how God rewards my sister's family for how faithful they have been! Now do you understand now why I just HAD to brag on my sister?
My sister is a rock and I'm so glad she is my family. Sigh, I love her.

If you want to learn more about Emily and the whole family, you can catch up from my sisters blog:

Also, I'll be sure to include updates on little Emily as we get them. It's so easy to talk about that little cutie-patutie anyways. :)

October 26, 2011

Our little pup's woes

Sam had surgery on Tuesday and we are happy to report he is making a full and healthy recovery!!
Oh, let me back up. First of all, allow me to introduce Sam: Sam is Casey's dog from college and a ferociously cute pug I have adopted as my own little step son. He has more personality than any animal I've ever met and is a gentle soul that is as laid back as his daddy's. Since we don't have kids yet, Casey and I refer to our dogs as our babies. We talk for them, (in really silly voices), let them sleep in bed with us, take them everywhere we can and overall just treat them as humans. Yeah, we are super attached parents. That being said, you can imagine our fear when we discovered something un-normal on Sam last Tuesday night. Had he not been napping in the right angle of light that evening, we might not have ever noticed the weird looking mole-thingy on his right hip. Thanks to the candle we had burning in the bedroom, it cast just enough light on our bed for us to discover this new growth. (it also made the room smell fantastic if I do say so myself)

Anyways, back to the story. Here is the short version that hits all the facts you'll care about: So we found a growth on Sam, took immediate action and got him to the vet the very next day. (yes, yes, we know we are excellent parents - I'll pretend I can hear your applause from here) The Vet thought it was nothing until she did a biopsy and discovered it was a "mass cell" and from what I gather a "mass cell" is like cancer for dogs. $548 later we have a cancer free pup. Worth every penny if it means he gets to hang out with us for several more years. Since Casey got Sam at the pound, we're not certain on his age but believe its close to 8 years. If my calculations are correct that means that in "dog years" Sam is currently 56 and that is just not good enough. We are bound and determined to keep him until he's 80 - I mean he can't even collect social security at this point!  :)

So yeah, that was our drama last week : Sam made it through surgery fine, we have solidified ourselves in awesome parent categories and we are happy to have the whole ordeal behind us.

Here are the New things I learned through Sam's little "ordeal"
- Sam HATES the vet. I've always thought he had a bit of an "attitude" or "spunky personality" but you have never seen a pug be such a punk until you take our little Sam to the vet. He is snooty to the sweet ladies, hides under your chair, pulls on the leash like he has never done before and whimpers at an excruciating high pitch.
- My husband HATES taking Sam to the vet. He called me after dropping Sam off at the vet for the Pre-Op on Friday and then for the actual surgery on Tuesday - both times he had such a sad voice. I know he felt just terrible for leaving Sam at the vet all alone- now that's a good daddy!

Now on to the cute pictures of the little patient himself:

Our little cancer survivor

What a noble pup

Sort of getting tired of mom taking pictures

Ok now thoroughly annoyed

This is Sam's "Crown of Shame". He has to wear if for the next 10 days to make sure he doesn't eat at his stitches when we are not around

Tee Hee. Its a little funny, you have to admit. And his little mad face is priceless!


October 19, 2011

Fall Update

As I write to you now, I'm hanging out on the bed with my husband watching the Texas Rangers play their first game of the series in the World Series. Why not the couch? Wellllllll, I'm embarrassed to say that we have so much scheduled to record that our DVR in the living room won't let us change channels so we had to retreat to the bedroom. Sheesh.

So here I am, a little later than usual, catching you up on what's been going on in the Zimmerman household lately.

Let's start with the weekend - shall we?
First and Foremost the Aggies WON against Baylor. Should have been a no-brainer win, but when you are an Aggie fan you know nothing is set in stone. Casey always said you should never bet "for" or "against" the Ags because they will always screw you. He is so wise beyond his years.
Our friend Whitley drove in from Waco and spent the weekend with us. This made the weekend extra special since he is a Baylor alumni and he and Casey LOVE to talk smack to each other. To say the least there was a lot of "Whoop" and "Sick Em Bears" being yelled throughout my otherwise peaceful household this weekend. So, Whitley came in Friday night and we headed to our usual eating spot (Chili's) to visit with the boys close friend - Clacy. These names are just killer aren't they??
My friend Crystal joined us and I'm so glad she did because about and hour and half into dinner Casey and Whitley started considering extending our dinner past "dinner time". I'll be honest - I don't really dig staying up late, but ESPECIALLY when we've got an early football game the next morning and we have to get to campus by 9am. I mean this is serious business people!
I'll spare you the details, but will tell you that Casey and Whitley pretended they were still 21 and stayed out until 2:30am. THANK YOU CRYSTAL for being so willing to drive me home after dinner so I didn't have to endure this game of "chicken" the boys played with one another. I think they were just trying to prove to each other they weren't getting old and I ended up with some pretty pitiful boys at my house on Saturday morning. We didn't even make it to tailgating, but did have a Delicious spread of food at the house.

We then headed over to some friends house to watch some other college football games and of course the good ol Rangers game. Got to see lots of people we enjoy hanging out and some very cute babies. Yes, three of the couples that were there on Saturday had little boys all under the age of 9 months. SO cute! Made me have baby fever all over again :)

I can tell your getting bored so I'll wrap it up quickly.
Sunday was lazy - like REALLY lazy. I didn't put make-up on until 5 pm and that was just because I was going to a birthday party and I didn't want to scare any of the other girls. Monday was a typical Monday - didn't want to be at work, etc. Tuesday was bible study night and Casey played a pretty intense x-box game (sarcasm) and then here we are - on the bed cheering on the strangers. Casey had the brilliant idea to open the windows and so it almost feels like we are AT the game with the nice fall air blowing on us.

Yep, the Fall is turning out to be a good one. Can't wait to see what else it holds!

Kristi & Casey

The Gang Reunited! Whitley, Clacy and Casey - 3 of the funniest men I know

Casey holding one of the precious boys at the backyard party on Saturday

Thought this was hillarious with baby Jackson laughing in the background

Told you there was a ton of babies on Saturday. Crystal showing off her good babysitting skils

You didn't think I could write a whole post without showing these precious kids did you?? Liz & Mike took Noah and Emily to a local pumpkin patch and got some PRECIOUS photos.

October 13, 2011

This Working Girl's Thoughts....

So after 4 days back at work I have realized that ......

We need to win the lottery so that I can quit working  : )
Just Kidding ! (Sort of ) 

Ok, Really - work isn't that bad. There are only a handful of people I can think of that have really, really awful jobs (customer service representatives for a 1-800 number and pedicurist are among the top terrible jobs that just pop in my mind ) But I mean - lets get real - even if your job is tolerable or something sort of cool - who would CHOOSE to get up everyone morning earlier than their bodies natural rhythm and CHOOSE to spend more hours awake at the office than you are in your own home? If you know of that person, please stick your tongue out at them for me. Thanks!

And regardless if you job is awesome or not - there is at least one day in each quarter that makes you want to:

Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. (probably not though) Regardless, since I am in a little bit of a post-vacation funk about work I have decided to make a list of all the reasons that my particular work is not that bad. The plan is to refer back to this at a later date.
  1. I pretty much like what I do. And since my husband and I are both in the same profession, it gives us a unique way to relate to each other when we talk about our jobs and workdays
  2. I LOVE the people I work with. I have developed some of the nicest friendships with the girls I work closest with. Not everyone in the whole building is someone I would want to go to lunch with (or save from a burning building), but the three that surround my desk are some of the brightest and sweetest co-workers that a girl could wish for. I'm kind of  feeling better already just thinking about them.
  3. I have good hours - no nights and if I have to work a weekend its only 9am-12pm on Saturday. Anyone can handle that.
  4. I get off on random holidays (most recently, Columbus Day) Thank you the four day work week Mr. Columbus! (and also for the whole exploration thing)
  5. I get to interact with people - big plus for a chatty cathey like myself
  6. The security guard in our bank whistles the tunes to Christian songs when he thinks that no one is around. So on Thursday's when I work the late shift and am in the building by myself until 6pm, I get a little treat. Today's serenade is " Come Thou Fount" - LOVE THAT SONG
  7. Work gives me money to put into our account which then pays for fun trips! (or shoes, or house decorations, or toys for nieces and nephews, you get the point)
  8. I have access to Internet at work. I don't jump on it very often except to catch local news or the weather report, but lately if I do have a spare 10 minutes that I need to use to relax my brain cells : my recent obsession is pinterest. If you haven't tried it - do it. Or maybe don't - depending on if you have a few hours to just browse through endless depths of information.
  9. I work in a magnificently beautiful building - that doesn't even do it justice, but I'll leave it at that.
  10. We have the cool Kuerig Coffee Machines at work - hello instant Starbucks station!
I think 10 items on the list should just about do it. Yes, I'm already feeling a little more chipper about coming back tomorrow. Thanks for taking time with me to reflect - I'd say we had a great therapy session - wouldn't you?

Until next time - GO RANGERS!


October 9, 2011

Back from DC with mixed emotions

Team Krasey and the Whitehouse.
 We didn't get to go in, but that was probably best. I'm afraid to think what my husband would have done if he had actually been in an arms- length distance of the president.
 Washington DC has been marked off the ol' bucket list. Done and Done. Loved being there, loved seeing all the amazingly historical stuff, loved traveling with my husband and experiencing new things together.

Also, loved the first shower I took in my own shower, loved getting all the clothes cleaned and put neatly away in our closet and currently loving sitting on our couch watching TV in my comfy clothes.  : )

Yes, We love to travel, but there is nothing like getting away from your home-base for several days that will make you appreciate your home.

I can sense you saying : "Okay, Kristi, quit yapping about how you are a home-body by heart and tell us what you guys liked about the the Trip!!!"
Ok, Ok, you can quit yelling already! Sheesh.

By popular demand - Here are my lists for the trip :

Things my dad says that I knew before this trip, but I must have forgotten sometime between Highschool and Oct. 2011:
1. Our United States Capitol was built by slaves. A major symbol of Freedom in our country was built by slaves. wow.
2. Pocahontas played a major role in our nation's foundation. She's pictured three times in the capitol dome - and not only that, she is the only woman depicted!
3. George Washington was an incredibly self-less man. He could have easily been buried underneath the Capitol dome and had as long as a term of presidency as he would have wanted, but he didn't want to be treated like a King and was very purposeful in everything he did to make the United States a democratic place.

Favorite Monuments we visited (we saw almost all of the ones in DC, these are the top ones that really struck us) :
1. Lincoln Memorial - so iconic
2. Korean War Memorial - VERY well done Memorial
3. Arlington Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Team Krasey in front of the Lincoln Memorial

Getting Sassy with Lincoln

The Korean War Memorial. There are statues of 19 soldiers and then a reflecting wall. When you count the soldiers and their reflections, the total number of men is 38 which represents the 38th parallel which separates North and South Korea

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery

Best Food we ate in DC:
1. Tortilla Cafe - A Salvadorian Cafe that Casey heard about on "Diners, Dives and Drive-Ins" . So good that I can't even begin to explain. It made me want to become a "foodie" like my friend Jill. The flavors in my mouth just exploded!!! And it was served on a plastic plate- that just made you know it had to be good. I mean, they didn't need to "dress it up" on some fancy plate - the food speaks for itself 

Tortilla Cafe : Puppussa, Sweet Corn Tamale, Fried Plantains. Holy Cow that was Delicious!
Coolest Experience we had:
1. We had a guided tour by Congressman Flores' office all over the Capitol Building and the House of Representatives. Got to walk in all the underground tunnels, see some incredibly significant places in our history and even got to witness a vote that was taking place on the house floor. Crazy!

In front of the Capitol Building

Thank you to our area representative for providing such a great tour!

October 4, 2011

Cyndi Louper was Right!

Girls DO Just want to have fun!

No really, check out these pictures from the weekend and see if what I say isn't so true  :)
All the girls, having a blast - Erica, Nichole, Natalie, and myself. Didn't realize I was a full head shorter than them until this picture - Geez.   I believe this was the second winery... but really, after the limo ride, things just started turning into a blur of fun....

Me and the birthday girl. Such a GREAT Day together!
Ohhhhhhh how I love my man. and I love to have Fun with my man

More of my favorite girl

Even Emily was getting into the fun spirit this weekend! Check out these smiles that she is now giving out! We went and visited my sister and her family on our way home from Austin on Sunday. So glad we did a quick drop-in trip. When we get smiles like this, it makes it ALLLL worth it!
Off to D.C. tomorrow morning - more fun pictures to come! These will involve more boys though  ; )