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August 13, 2013

Lessons I did not realize I would learn

Being a first time mother, I am 100% aware there are things that I am naive about. Every day I'm introduced to something else that I had no idea about in regards to parenting and motherhood. Even though I knew I didn't know everything there was to being a mother, I still wanted to 'figure it out on my own'.

I just recently discovered that is an idiotic way to think.

Prior to this recent revelation, I almost always questioned friends and family members when they told me things about children. Little antedots, or lessons...advice, etc. I would be prideful and think "that won't happen to us" or "I'm not like that" or my favorite "My kid won't do THAT"


I will now be quiet and listen intently anytime one of these mothers speak. Time and time again, I have been caught with my foot in my mouth as I am sitting in the moment that one of these wise women have told me I would be in... and I think to myself 'Yup, this is what they were talking about... '
Mother's would tell me that babies don't need to be entertained when they are newborns. There are no lessons to teach them or games to play. Crazy Kristi thought: Horse Radish! I insisted on having toys infront of Elise's face anytime her eyes were open. I can't just let her LAY there. I mean good grief,there is so much to teach her! Oh, what a silly mom I am. Once she actually became active and attentative I realized quickly that there was no way she was paying attention to me before. Heck, She was probably scared to death of me for always being in her face! I'm sure she was thinking: Just let me figure out how to eat and breath mom! Can we cool it on the lesson over colors and shapes?!?! Sheesh!

I also thought everyone was exagerating on the amount of diapers that babies went through. Why would the entire world (including renowned authors) lie about such a fact? I have no idea, but I just couldn't fathom going through 15 diapers a day! Lesson learned.

I was told by multiple mother friends that you have to "train" your child to sleep. (If you aren't one of the lucky few who have a kid that shoots out of the womb already knowing how to sleep 8 hours thru the night) I spent the first 9 months of my child's life convincing myself that our kid was different. Altough she was a TERRIBLE sleeper, I just knew that one day she would grow out of it and just casually crawl herself into her bedroom, ask to be put in her crib and fall soundly asleep while humming the tunes of a beautiful church hymn. Ok that is a little far-fetched, but I just KNEW that I wouldn't have to make my daughter cry to get her to see she could sleep on her own. I just KNEW that she would out grow her need to be patted down every 45 minutes. And once again, I was wrong. Should have listened to all those seasoned mothers and sleep trained Elise 5 months ago. Would have saved alot of sanity and tears.Both for the baby AND the parents! My mom and dad actually had to do it for us, because we couldn't handle to hear her cry (seperate blog post on this upcoming). Regardless of who did it, the fact was that it actually had to be done. And now we are all happier and healthier for it.

The sleep thing was one of the last real good lessons I recieved. The lesson: Listen to your fellow mothers!!!(or the ones who have done it before). Save yourself the grief and just follow their advice. They've already scouted out the territory for you. For once in your life as a mom, take the easy road!


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