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March 15, 2013

Growing up

Seems like once Elise hit the three/four month mark, she really started growing up fast. The first several months were just eating sleeping and pooping. (Just like everyone jokes about!)
Now every day is a new adventure and new milestone. Here's a little bit of what is new for Elise:

She can almost sit up by herself without toppiling over. She also loves her feet and they are constantly in her mouth
She started being fed rice cereal and baby food! So far we have tried : peaches, sweet potatoes and tonight we are planning on green beans!
She gets tired and passes out after too much play. This is photo evidence from day care.  
We had our first boo-boo. You can't really see it, but she has a little red mark on her forehead from where a clipboard fell on her. It actually happened at Day care while I was still there - I can testify it was a complete freak accident. To say the least, mommy was tardy going to work that day. Not going to leave my baby upset like that!

She is now sleeping on her tummy in her own bed. (in her own room) That's like 3 new things at once! I'm actually pretty proud of us considering we didnt think she would sleep in her own room until she was 10


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