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August 13, 2013

Birthday Party Time!

Recently I was engulfed in planning Elise's first birthday party. Mid-way thru my 11th pin on her "birthday board" on pinterest, I recalled a moment from my past. 
Allow me to set the scene: 7 months ago, I sat and listened as one of my co-workers described the details of her daughter's upcoming birthday party. It was going to be a BIG Deal. The mom spent almost every lunch break picking up items for the party,spent her nights crafting signs and had a big photo shoot for the girl. I though to myself, hmmm....For Elise's first birthday I bet we just do something small at the house with a few family members- no decorations or anything. It's not THAT big of a deal, I mean the kid won't even remember the party. 
Fast forward to the present: I'm pumped up about preparing for this event. It's still going to be at our house and won't involve any circus animals, but I GET.IT. I get why she was so excited and spent so much time preparing for the party. Because you LOVE your kids and celebrating their life is your reason for breathing! Plus, it's a great time to just acknowledge the fact that you and your spouse kept another human being alive and well for the last year! Now that's worth a party!


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