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March 27, 2012

Week Twelve

12 Weeks. Baby is the size of a plum. Yum!
Whoop! We made it to Week #12. I'm going to officially count our first trimester complete at 13 weeks, but it is a nice milestone to have 12 behind us. Plus, as Aggie's - 12 always means something special  :)

" I can see clearly now the rain is gone... It's going to be a bright (BRIGHT) bright, sunshiny day!"
Everybody sing with me! ....   No? Just me? Fine.

I think I am done with the nausea!!! <knocking on wood> Now instead of feeling nauseous, I have a nagging "empty" feeling in my stomach pretty much at all times. All things considered, I will take the change. Had to bust out the 'Belly Band' this week to help compensate for some shorts that wouldn't quite button. Overall, I would say I'm doing ok with the whole gaining weight thing. I mean, if it's got to happen, it's got to happen. Might as well enjoy the ride. In moderation of course... if I can contain myself.

CRAVINGS: Although, I'm eating a lot more these days. (I'm talking the amount of a teenage boy) I can't really pinpoint any specific cravings. I do like lots of meat (meat in tacos, meat in sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers, etc.) I also am digging my vegetables again. Had a big bowl of carrots and cucumbers as my snack last night and it was DELISH.The cold crunchiness is rocking my world as the heat is starting to turn up in Texas.

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: We went and looked at our first day care today. We are looking at several around town in an effort to be good parents and do all of our due diligence. Today was the first appointment and it went great. Perfect little place right behind Casey's work. It's the United Methodist Church's day school and they have a great facility and program there. They also have a 12-18 month period on their waiting list. Sheesh. and I thought I was a super planner... Who exactly are these parents that got on that list 18 months before they were due???? That's 9 months before CONCEPTION!

Oh well, we put our selves on the waiting list and are looking at other facilities as contingency options. As much as I joke, we're really not worried as we know everything will work out just as its supposed to.

Here is our parental prayer for the moment:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for blessing us with this sweet child. As you continue to weave together this precious life in my womb, we are trying to weave together a place for him/her on the outside. Please continue to lead us in the right direction so we can prepare a healthy and happy life to welcome our firstborn child into. Thank you for trusting us with one of your children, please give us the resources and strength to do all we can to be great parents. We want to make you proud.


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