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March 7, 2012

Six Weeks!

< This post was originally written on Feb. 15th and then posted on March 7th >

Today was our first sonogram, our first doctors appointment for little Baby Z. I wish so badly you could read this now, but as standard protocol would have it : We're supposed to wait atleast a couple more weeks before we really spill the beans to the whole world.

We hate keeping secrets! (Especially exciting secrets) so I'm just going to write this post now and then you'll be able to catch up later. Heaven forbid I keep somthing locked up inside - I might explode!

So here's the 4-1-1 on what's happening with our baby-making progress:

I can not get enough sleep! For the first time in my life, I'm pressing the snooze button more than once in the morning and as much as I love our DVR'd shows - I can't seem to make it through more than a few at a time with out dozing off. The kind of dozing off I'm talking about is sitting straight up in a chair with drool coming down by mouth. Serious business here

Yeah Right! No cravings as of now. I 'm just trying to navigate the mindfield of food aversions that I currently have. I can't even type out the foods that I don't want because I'm afraid it will turn on my gag reflex. Thank goodness I'm not having to actually spend any time around the toilet - its just my stomach constantly feels like I'm going down a roller coaster. Not Cool. I'm afraid I'll never like some of my old favorites again, but friends who have done this before assure me that I will infact be able to get back to normal soon enough.

Seeing the rapid heart beat of our baby on the sonogram today. We couldn't hear it yet, but seeing the flutter was so so precious. I can't believe that is INSIDE of me! C.R.A.Z.Y.
Casey is already starting to hold on to my belly when we lay down. There isn't anything there yet, but his hand just comes to rest on my belly button which is sweet.


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