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March 14, 2012

Ten Weeks

10 Weeks. Double Digits! baby is the size of a Kumquat
A Kumquat? What is that? To tell you the truth, I actually don't know - but it is approximately the same as a prune and sounds less gross that saying our baby is the size of a prune. I know the baby is very small still, but the thought of him/her being that shriveled doesn't appeal to me - thus - our baby is the size of  a kumquat!

Here's the 4-1-1 on what else is going on with our pregnancy :

Definitely starting to feel a "thickening" around my mid section. My stomach area has never been my "problem area" (goodness knows I have enough of those in other areas of my body!) so now that my previously flat stomach is starting to get some curves - the high school girl trapped inside of me is starting to panic a little bit. I'm reading that is normal so I will try to just enjoy the ride. Queasiness still hits whenever it feels like (like this morning) but is becoming less and less frequent. Casey and I are now watching TV in bed at night that way in case I fall asleep he doesn't have to wake me to move from the couch. Another lesson of pregnancy: be adaptable.  : )

CRAVINGS: I would say my first real craving has arrived and it is watermelon. In the past, I have loved watermelon and eaten it when available but only bought like one every other year to actually have at the house. We are currently into our 3rd watermelon of the season. It's just sweet enough to satisfy that craving, but not too heavy to upset my stomach. Plus with all the water it has - it is super refreshing. I also eat a lot of chips and cheese, but I would say that is out of survival and not a craving.

SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: My sister sent us home with a baby swing this weekend. Don't know why but that cute little baby swing just has me thinking about our baby actually being in the swing and the whole thing seems more real. Plus seeing Casey load his first big piece of baby equipment into the car was super sweet to watch.


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