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April 4, 2012

Jeff Vs. Kristi

We went to Winnsboro this weekend for some much needed family time with the Zimmerman's. We've been in close contact with everyone via phone the last two months, but we were overdue for a good face-to-face visit. Sometimes I despise phones, but when it keeps you in contact with your family when you otherwise can't get to them - I like it.

It was a sweet weekend and we had a good time with everyone, but what I really want to tell you about is my first weekend as the "prank-er" and not the "prank-ee"

I have long ago accepted that my father-in-law does love me, but that he just insists on showing it in his own unique sort of way. (to be specific : picking on me and playing pranks on me) So, to be fair, I have decided to reciprocate his love in the same way. Yes, as promised, I have risen to the challenge and started to pick on him - oh how the tables have turned. I even came up with my own ideas this weekend without the help of youtube or something like that.


This weekend, I started off with a few things just to test the waters. One idea worked and one was a futile effort.

I attempted to gross him out by putting gummy worms in his coke cans so that when he would take a big gulp, the slimy candy would hit his mouth and really disgust him before he figured out what it was. Stupid gummy worms must just sink to the bottom because he never was affected. Shucks. One idea down the drain and some delicious gummy worms were wasted in the process.

Finally, my moment of opportunity had arrived. Casey and Jeff had gone out to the barn to do something with the horses and Susie and I were inside chatting. I grabbed the saran wrap and cut a piece long enough to cover the door frame, I taped it on tight- right at eye level. After that, my only hiccup was that I had to secretly signal to Casey to be the second person to walk in the house, but he caught on pretty quickly. Just as planned, Jeff walked in from outside, hit the saran wrap and SMACK. His glasses got smooshed into his face and he stumbled backward. and the best part was he was startled into SILENCE. It was AWESOME. In fact he was quite for several minutes after.
< I think he was trying to find his manhood that he must have dropped at the door>

Ba ha ha ha

It was good, It was clean and it was most importantly : humorous
Yes, I would say the first weekend was a success. Can't wait to go back in May!

Man it's good to be apart of the family : )


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