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May 3, 2012

Seventeen Weeks

17 Weeks. Don't Cry! Baby Z is the size of an Onion

PHYSICAL CHANGES: I am happy to report I finally have my energy back! Thought that was NEVER going to happen and then one night we were hanging out at the house and I realized that I hadn't been tired in like 5 days straight. Hallelujah! The streak is over!
Getting some minor lower back pain, but usually only after I've been standing for a while. Nothing too serious- just enough to complain about and get a good back rub from Casey : )   My man is so good to me.
Went to a regular OB checkup on Tuesday and found out I gained 10 lbs so far in this pregnancy. 10 lbs in 17 weeks. By my calculations, I'm going to end up gaining over 30 by the time this is all over. After having a mini-stroke, I've decided to make peace with my body. I mean I might as well give it a break, it is creating another human being after all. So, I've adjusted a few of my food choices that haven't been so wise and am keeping up with my walking and giving the rest up to God. I mean, I'm making it seem like I didn't have a meltdown and totally beat myself up, but you get the point. I eventually got to the right answer after a day of throwing a temper tantrum and that is all that matters - right??

CRAVINGS: Still Fruit. Also added to the menu: Coke Floats,Popsicles, and Sherbet ice cream. (oh, and Hummus)  I think I'm definitely trending toward all things cold. Speaking of being cold... I am fearing I'm never going to get cold at night again.... Been waking up sweating in the middle of the night the last week or so. Geez it's going to be a beautiful summer.
SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: We learned the baby is already a good listener. Well, sort of.....
This week I could have sworn I felt the baby jabbing at one of my internal organs. Don't know how to explain it but it was just a jabbing/pinching sensation right around my uterus. I was in the car on the way back from work so I called Casey on the car's speaker phone. I told him what was happening and he said in a booming voice: "Baby: Stop kicking Mommy" I kid you not, like 2 seconds later the pain stopped and I haven't felt it again. Sure, it could have been gas bubbles, but I'm going to think that my baby is already taking to authority well. Here's to wishful thinking!


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