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October 13, 2011

This Working Girl's Thoughts....

So after 4 days back at work I have realized that ......

We need to win the lottery so that I can quit working  : )
Just Kidding ! (Sort of ) 

Ok, Really - work isn't that bad. There are only a handful of people I can think of that have really, really awful jobs (customer service representatives for a 1-800 number and pedicurist are among the top terrible jobs that just pop in my mind ) But I mean - lets get real - even if your job is tolerable or something sort of cool - who would CHOOSE to get up everyone morning earlier than their bodies natural rhythm and CHOOSE to spend more hours awake at the office than you are in your own home? If you know of that person, please stick your tongue out at them for me. Thanks!

And regardless if you job is awesome or not - there is at least one day in each quarter that makes you want to:

Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. (probably not though) Regardless, since I am in a little bit of a post-vacation funk about work I have decided to make a list of all the reasons that my particular work is not that bad. The plan is to refer back to this at a later date.
  1. I pretty much like what I do. And since my husband and I are both in the same profession, it gives us a unique way to relate to each other when we talk about our jobs and workdays
  2. I LOVE the people I work with. I have developed some of the nicest friendships with the girls I work closest with. Not everyone in the whole building is someone I would want to go to lunch with (or save from a burning building), but the three that surround my desk are some of the brightest and sweetest co-workers that a girl could wish for. I'm kind of  feeling better already just thinking about them.
  3. I have good hours - no nights and if I have to work a weekend its only 9am-12pm on Saturday. Anyone can handle that.
  4. I get off on random holidays (most recently, Columbus Day) Thank you the four day work week Mr. Columbus! (and also for the whole exploration thing)
  5. I get to interact with people - big plus for a chatty cathey like myself
  6. The security guard in our bank whistles the tunes to Christian songs when he thinks that no one is around. So on Thursday's when I work the late shift and am in the building by myself until 6pm, I get a little treat. Today's serenade is " Come Thou Fount" - LOVE THAT SONG
  7. Work gives me money to put into our account which then pays for fun trips! (or shoes, or house decorations, or toys for nieces and nephews, you get the point)
  8. I have access to Internet at work. I don't jump on it very often except to catch local news or the weather report, but lately if I do have a spare 10 minutes that I need to use to relax my brain cells : my recent obsession is pinterest. If you haven't tried it - do it. Or maybe don't - depending on if you have a few hours to just browse through endless depths of information.
  9. I work in a magnificently beautiful building - that doesn't even do it justice, but I'll leave it at that.
  10. We have the cool Kuerig Coffee Machines at work - hello instant Starbucks station!
I think 10 items on the list should just about do it. Yes, I'm already feeling a little more chipper about coming back tomorrow. Thanks for taking time with me to reflect - I'd say we had a great therapy session - wouldn't you?

Until next time - GO RANGERS!



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