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October 19, 2011

Fall Update

As I write to you now, I'm hanging out on the bed with my husband watching the Texas Rangers play their first game of the series in the World Series. Why not the couch? Wellllllll, I'm embarrassed to say that we have so much scheduled to record that our DVR in the living room won't let us change channels so we had to retreat to the bedroom. Sheesh.

So here I am, a little later than usual, catching you up on what's been going on in the Zimmerman household lately.

Let's start with the weekend - shall we?
First and Foremost the Aggies WON against Baylor. Should have been a no-brainer win, but when you are an Aggie fan you know nothing is set in stone. Casey always said you should never bet "for" or "against" the Ags because they will always screw you. He is so wise beyond his years.
Our friend Whitley drove in from Waco and spent the weekend with us. This made the weekend extra special since he is a Baylor alumni and he and Casey LOVE to talk smack to each other. To say the least there was a lot of "Whoop" and "Sick Em Bears" being yelled throughout my otherwise peaceful household this weekend. So, Whitley came in Friday night and we headed to our usual eating spot (Chili's) to visit with the boys close friend - Clacy. These names are just killer aren't they??
My friend Crystal joined us and I'm so glad she did because about and hour and half into dinner Casey and Whitley started considering extending our dinner past "dinner time". I'll be honest - I don't really dig staying up late, but ESPECIALLY when we've got an early football game the next morning and we have to get to campus by 9am. I mean this is serious business people!
I'll spare you the details, but will tell you that Casey and Whitley pretended they were still 21 and stayed out until 2:30am. THANK YOU CRYSTAL for being so willing to drive me home after dinner so I didn't have to endure this game of "chicken" the boys played with one another. I think they were just trying to prove to each other they weren't getting old and I ended up with some pretty pitiful boys at my house on Saturday morning. We didn't even make it to tailgating, but did have a Delicious spread of food at the house.

We then headed over to some friends house to watch some other college football games and of course the good ol Rangers game. Got to see lots of people we enjoy hanging out and some very cute babies. Yes, three of the couples that were there on Saturday had little boys all under the age of 9 months. SO cute! Made me have baby fever all over again :)

I can tell your getting bored so I'll wrap it up quickly.
Sunday was lazy - like REALLY lazy. I didn't put make-up on until 5 pm and that was just because I was going to a birthday party and I didn't want to scare any of the other girls. Monday was a typical Monday - didn't want to be at work, etc. Tuesday was bible study night and Casey played a pretty intense x-box game (sarcasm) and then here we are - on the bed cheering on the strangers. Casey had the brilliant idea to open the windows and so it almost feels like we are AT the game with the nice fall air blowing on us.

Yep, the Fall is turning out to be a good one. Can't wait to see what else it holds!

Kristi & Casey

The Gang Reunited! Whitley, Clacy and Casey - 3 of the funniest men I know

Casey holding one of the precious boys at the backyard party on Saturday

Thought this was hillarious with baby Jackson laughing in the background

Told you there was a ton of babies on Saturday. Crystal showing off her good babysitting skils

You didn't think I could write a whole post without showing these precious kids did you?? Liz & Mike took Noah and Emily to a local pumpkin patch and got some PRECIOUS photos.


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