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October 26, 2011

Our little pup's woes

Sam had surgery on Tuesday and we are happy to report he is making a full and healthy recovery!!
Oh, let me back up. First of all, allow me to introduce Sam: Sam is Casey's dog from college and a ferociously cute pug I have adopted as my own little step son. He has more personality than any animal I've ever met and is a gentle soul that is as laid back as his daddy's. Since we don't have kids yet, Casey and I refer to our dogs as our babies. We talk for them, (in really silly voices), let them sleep in bed with us, take them everywhere we can and overall just treat them as humans. Yeah, we are super attached parents. That being said, you can imagine our fear when we discovered something un-normal on Sam last Tuesday night. Had he not been napping in the right angle of light that evening, we might not have ever noticed the weird looking mole-thingy on his right hip. Thanks to the candle we had burning in the bedroom, it cast just enough light on our bed for us to discover this new growth. (it also made the room smell fantastic if I do say so myself)

Anyways, back to the story. Here is the short version that hits all the facts you'll care about: So we found a growth on Sam, took immediate action and got him to the vet the very next day. (yes, yes, we know we are excellent parents - I'll pretend I can hear your applause from here) The Vet thought it was nothing until she did a biopsy and discovered it was a "mass cell" and from what I gather a "mass cell" is like cancer for dogs. $548 later we have a cancer free pup. Worth every penny if it means he gets to hang out with us for several more years. Since Casey got Sam at the pound, we're not certain on his age but believe its close to 8 years. If my calculations are correct that means that in "dog years" Sam is currently 56 and that is just not good enough. We are bound and determined to keep him until he's 80 - I mean he can't even collect social security at this point!  :)

So yeah, that was our drama last week : Sam made it through surgery fine, we have solidified ourselves in awesome parent categories and we are happy to have the whole ordeal behind us.

Here are the New things I learned through Sam's little "ordeal"
- Sam HATES the vet. I've always thought he had a bit of an "attitude" or "spunky personality" but you have never seen a pug be such a punk until you take our little Sam to the vet. He is snooty to the sweet ladies, hides under your chair, pulls on the leash like he has never done before and whimpers at an excruciating high pitch.
- My husband HATES taking Sam to the vet. He called me after dropping Sam off at the vet for the Pre-Op on Friday and then for the actual surgery on Tuesday - both times he had such a sad voice. I know he felt just terrible for leaving Sam at the vet all alone- now that's a good daddy!

Now on to the cute pictures of the little patient himself:

Our little cancer survivor

What a noble pup

Sort of getting tired of mom taking pictures

Ok now thoroughly annoyed

This is Sam's "Crown of Shame". He has to wear if for the next 10 days to make sure he doesn't eat at his stitches when we are not around

Tee Hee. Its a little funny, you have to admit. And his little mad face is priceless!



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