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January 13, 2012


It's Friday the13th - are you worried?

We've never been the superstitious types. Like at all. I will carry a black cat under a ladder whilst breaking a mirror. Take that superstitions! No really, I understand that superstitions are very real for some people (cough, cough, my father-in-law). So I can sympathize and be understanding - but it's not something I even really have cross my mind very often.
But as I was getting ready this morning and watching my usual news station, I found out some interesting facts about Friday the 13th. I haven't been very inspired to write anything personal lately so instead I'm choosing to fill your head with useless knowledge. Hooray for Fridays!

Keep in mind all these facts have been completely hijacked off the Internet and are in no way my own.

So here is the back story (which I think is pretty cool) :
There are different theories on how Friday the 13th came to be, but the prevailing one is linked to The Last Supper. Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th person to arrive at dinner, making 13 an unlucky number on any day of the week. Add to that the fact that Jesus died on a Friday, and Friday the 13th gets its bad rap.

Turns out, this is a very real fear for some people :
Although people are far less superstitious now than they were in the past, the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina estimates that 17 to 21 million people in the U.S. have a diagnosable phobia of Friday the 13th. The illness Is called friggatriskaidekaphobia

Have a fantastic Weekend and stay warm. It's been very cold her in College Station lately. We've been having stew for soup and enjoying our fireplace at night - all the things a January should bring!


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