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January 10, 2013

3 months of heaven on earth

On Tuesday, Elise turned 3 months old and we can hardly believe it. She has changed so much in such a short period of time! She went from this tiny, sensitive little lump of a human to a babbling little girl full of personality. In three short months she has really grown acclimated to her little world and she appears to be thrilled to be our daughter. Which works out well, because we are stoked to be her parents. She has brought us more joy and fullfillment than we ever imagined. Also more poop than we ever imagined, but I digress...
To catch you up on our lives, here are some big events that have happened to Miss Elise over the last month:
  • Mommy started back to work so Elise started day care. She is in Stepping Stone Day care, a "premier private academy" and we have been thrilled to pieces with the school. Not thrilled to see the check clear our account each month, but ......  Her teachers are sweet and the environment is clean and happy. She has impressed her teachers with all her awesome skills and happy demeanor. We are tickled pink to always get such good reports. Although being a working mommy breaks my heart, I can see lots of benefits of having her in day care and I try to stay focused on those on the days I want to cry.
  • She had her first Christmas' with both sides of the family. Slept through it all and still ended up with a ton of loot. Guess that is how life is when you are that stinking adorable. Cute chicks have it so easy.
  • She convinced her mom and dad that she is the best car rider of all time. Has spent up to 4.5 hours in the car at one time and we didn't even hear a peep out of her. Well, that's not exactly the truth. We did hear a 'peep' but it wasn't her crying, it was her filling her diaper.
  • Started cooing and babbling more. Also smiles pretty much non-stop. Such a happy child! I'm pretty sure she gets that from her mom's side of the family.  :)
  • Had her first sleep-over away from mommy and daddy. My parent's kept her overnight on New Year's Eve so we could have some adult time. On the way home from our party, we almost stopped at my parents to pick her up because we missed her so much, but refrained.
  • Had her first taste of something other than breast milk. Casey's dad gave her some candy cane peppermint during one of our visits to Winnsboro in December. Mamma was not happy. Daddy reminded mommy she needed to lighten up. What can I say? I'm a first time mom- aren't I supposed to be uptight?
  • Mastered rolling over! She did it for the first time on Christmas day at my sister's house. I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden I heard my sister say "Kris- I think your kid is about to roll over" Sure enough me and Casey got there just in time to see Elise push herself from her belly to her back. Ever since then, she always try to roll over when we put her down for tummy time.
  • Was dedicated to Christ at our church this past Sunday. She wore my baptism dress from when I was a baby and looked like a winter princess. We had the whole family in for the weekend to celebrate the big occasion. Elise got lots of snuggles from both sets of grandparents.
  • Really became intrigued with her hands and some of her toys.She mostly stares at them intently and tries to put them in her mouth. My kind of girl.
  • Got her first pieces of jewelery. For her dedication we gave her a pearl bracelet and Casey's mom got her an infant ring. We like to bling out early in this family.
  • Started sleeping from about 9:30 - 4am in the middle of the night.We are only waking up for one feeding in the middle of the night now. Hallelujah! Mommy is no longer a zombie during the day.

Now for what you've really been waiting for: Pictures! Here are some of my favorites from recently.
Her 3 month picture

Mommy you are so funny!
This was her two month picture. Look how much she's grown!

Can't get enough of this smiling face

Playing with her monkey in her car seat. She stares at him like he is telling her the secrets of the world

This was her New Year's Eve attire. Black and silver ofcourse with a big bow to boot!

Thank you God for little babies.


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