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December 14, 2011

Stay in the Moment

Only 12 more days until Christmas! We hope everyone has had a peaceful December thus far. I mentioned before that I was hoping the Christmas season would go by slowly and I'm still standing firm on that thought. Maybe you can relate?

Hey Television: Stop advertising for the shows coming on next season. I don't care what premiers on January 2nd - I want to live in the Mooooomeentttt. Turn on White Christmas again!

Jenny Craig/Weight Watchers -  Stop talking about new year's resolutions. I'm still in the process of getting chunky on homemade goodies and want to avoid the moment when I realize my pants don't fit anymore.

Fashion Magazines - I do not care what will be "hot" for New Year's Eve. How 'bout we back up and discuss what is going to be 'hot' for advent season. OK, that seems inappropriate,but you get the point.

Tonight we are going shopping for all the kids in our families and WE. CAN'T. WAIT. What better way to enjoy the last two weeks of Christmas than to revel in the splendor of toys??? Shopping for our adult friends and family members has been special, but there is nothing like cruising the isles of Toys R Us and imaging the magical expression that will come across that little one's face when they open your gift.

Ahh Yes, the Christmas season - breathe it in. Sit down and watch an old movie and sing those Christmas carols loud.  Remember that this magical time will end soon and you'll want it back again. (And don't forget that once Christmas is over you have to take down all those decorations, so don't get so anxious for that yet buddy)  

Until next time, XOXO.


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