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November 27, 2011

Welcome Winter!

The tree is up, the wreath is on the door, the winter clothes are hung in the closet and spring clothes are in their appropriate storage bins. Ahhhh yes, Winter and Christmas is here! I found myself a little sad this morning when I realized we only had less than 30 days until it was all over - you would think with all this effort it would at least be a 2-month holiday.

Quick! Let's name all of our favorite things that Christmas time brings. Ok, since this blog is a one-way sort of thing, I'll just name our favorites and assume you agree with all of them :)

Drum Roll Please..... The Zimmerman's list of all things we love about December :

  1. First and Foremost: The fact that for a month, we get to center our concentration on the blessing of the birth of Jesus Christ. For the big deal that is made about everyone else's birthday, it seems only appropriate that everyone get in a fuss over the biggest birthday celebration of all!
  2. All the giving that takes place between friends and family.
  3. The holiday movies and shows that come on during this time. Our Poor DVR is really going to get a work out this month. (guilty confession: I'll even watch movies that I don't even like that much solely because they are a "tradition" or are "nostalgic". I mean have you seen Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer????? It's actually pretty lame but like I said, I will be recording it and watching it regardless)
  5. The awesome Christmas music. Both the mainstream on the radio as well as the hymns in church. It's all GOOOOOD
  6. The ringing of salvation army bells
  7. Twinkling Christmas Lights everywhere
  8. All the Special Parties and Festivities that take place. There is like a party every night! ... wait, how am I going to fit in all my movie watching? Yikes!
  9. We get to use the fireplace!
  10. Planning special surprises for loved ones
  11. The high spirits that everyone seems to be in
  12. All the extra mail that comes with Christmas cards
  13. warm and comfy coats and sweaters
  14. little kids in their Christmas outfits - could they be cuter?
  15. snuggling with spouses  :)
Before we jump feet first into December, here is a tribute to the last of November:

One of the highlights of our Thanksgiving at Liz's : Sweet Emily Marie. This is her playing with my mom.

The spread. Not bad for us armatures. This is our first year with out my grandmother and Aunt Georgie to lead the charge on cooking. I think we did darn good for our first year - in fact we were sitting down and eating by 12:30. That's what I'm talking about!

Mom and Dad - the main cooks and head turkey carvers

Just had to get a picture of my man doing the dishes. and Look! Thomas is in the back ground helping!

Post-Thanksgiving dinner tradition : Everyone in the living room watching football

Our fireplace all decorated! Nobs wanted in the picture and I couldn't deny him

More mantel. We had to put our tree in this spot this year since we got a bookshelf that is now taking up the corner where we usually put the tree

Entry way hallway. Nativity Scene in the gift box. Get it? Jesus is the best gift of all.  Shucks, I'm smart.


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