Our Little Aggie is the size of an ear of corn |
Growing a little bigger every day in the belly - no major swelling yet (Thank you Jesus)
CRAVINGS: Cantaloupe, Watermelon and all things chocolate or sweet. I was convinced at the beginning of this pregnancy that we were not having a girl because I would get sick anytime I ate sweets.Even my FAVORITE sweets like Key Lime Pie. And as the old wives tales go, if you crave sweets - it's a girl. Thus, I was convinced we were having a boy because I couldn't get enough protien to satisfy me. Ladies and Gentleman, we have since done a 180 and now you can't keep me out of the cookie jar. (literally)
SWEET BABY MOMENT OF THE WEEK: There are SO Many sweet moments the further we get into this adventure. You should see the way Casey and I dote over little girls when we see them on TV, on the street, in the stores or basically anywhere in our general vicinity. We went and visited Ashley and Dustin in Bridgeport this weekend. Their daughter, Aubrey, is 20 months old and we watched her like she was a source of magic. It was like by watching her cuteness all weekend, we would somehow absorb how to be great parents and be more prepared for all things girly that our coming our way. It seems to me that parenting should be that easy, so we'll just assume we've got it all figured out and be pleasantly surprised later. : )
Our crib was delivered today so we have a fun weekend ahead of us! Wish us luck as sometimes projects like this seems to bring out the worst in us. Not to mention the pure pressure of assembling millions of small parts on a very important project that will directly affect the safety of our child! Atleast I'm not too big to get down on the ground and be helping Casey assemble parts...
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