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January 19, 2012

The Fever of all Fevers

News Headline :
Zimmerman Contracts Baby Fever.
Symptoms not likely to subside soon.

I've caught it and can't break free!

It's funny how when I was younger (as in a few short years ago) I used to think about the ways that pregnancy would ruin my body, or how gross I thought breast feeding was, or how aged I thought mothers looked.
Then one day, I just wake up and BAM! I want a baby and preferably sooner rather than later. Not like I'm considering kidnapping one, but you get the gist. I no longer think of the superficial things, I dream about the tiny feet and hands, the sweet moments as they sleep in my arms. The extra large coffee on my way to work because I've been up all night with a sick child but it's totally worth it because we were making memories. The fear that our kid will realize that their dad is MUCH cooler than their mom. The play dates, the art on the refrigerator, the reading story books at night.

I just plain want one.

Of course visiting my sister this weekend didn't help to squelch my desire. Emily is in that fantastically lovable stage where she can smile and sit up and laugh. Pretty soon she'll be reaching for us with those cute stubby arms and then my heart will really melt.

Another thing adding to my "condition" : My friend LeeAnna is having a baby any day now and I've gotten to ride out this adventure with her. Sitting next to her (literally - we work together and sit 5 yards from one another) has been such an awesome experience, but it has really increased the temperature of my fever, if you will. And now that I've learned some tricks of the trade from her, I'm pretty sure I'm ready to do this whole pregnancy thing for myself.

Is it getting hot in here or is it just my baby fever?  : )

Now really, please know that for the first time in my life I actually do have my patience panties on. I'm happy to report I haven't had any freakouts or meltdowns - this is me just shooting the breeze with you and letting you know what's rattling around in my tiny brain. I promise I've got it under control. Sort of.

Pics from this past weekend: You can see why this trip was just like adding fuel to a fire.

Ladies and Gentleman - we have a thumb sucker!

Loved this picture of Noah playing with his daddy


Nichole said...

Loving you SOOOO much! (and just doing some long-overdue catching up!)


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