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December 19, 2011

I won the lottery

Before you get all excited and start hitting me up for extra Christmas presents, I'm not talking about the literal lottery. (you know, the money one) Heck, If I had won THE lottery, I'm not sure I would be able to sit still long enough to be writing this. Kirklands, anyone?
But let's talk about some other "types" of lotteries... shall we? Brought to you courtesy of :

                              lottery   lot·ter·y [lot-uh-ree]
  • any scheme for the distribution of prizes by chance
  • any happening or process that is or appears to be determined by chance: to look upon life as a lottery.
Now that you have had your English lesson for the day.... allow me explain why I say that I won the lottery. Life is a process and certain things (such as in-laws) are determined by chance. Most likely if your spouse is a kind and caring person, that would lead you to logically believe that they came from a kind and loving family who instilled those values in him/her. BUT as we all know, there is not a science that determines the ratio of how loveable your spouse is to how loveable your spouse's family is. It is totally by chance if you choose to spend your entire life with someone and their family also turns out to be people you can tolerate the rest of your life.(That ladies and gentleman is what we call a BONUS!) I could seriously write an entire blog full of horror stories I've heard from friends with "bad" in-laws. I'm sure you've heard those stories too.
But I was reminded again this weekend how B.L.E.S.S.E.D. I am in the In-Law department. Thus, I won the Lottery! (in getting good in-laws) We celebrated an early Christmas with Casey's family this weekend and there is nothing like 48 hours together with your in-laws that can make you either crazy or very happy. I am lucky to be apart of the latter.
I've actually been meaning to brag on my in-laws for a while but now that their best qualities are fresh on my mind - I'm taking the time to send Santa an early thank-you note for the mom and dad I acquired through marriage.

Susie : My mother in-law is kind and caring and never intrudes in our life. She actually beats ALL Mother-In-Law stereo-types. We joke, we laugh and we pick on Casey together. We also have intimate conversations and can be real with one another. We love lots of the same things (probably at the top of that list would be Casey, but there really is more than him that we have in common!) She is very smart and teaches me alot of things about what being a wife to a Zimmerman man means. They are sometimes difficult to navigate, so her direction is much appreciated.

Jeff: My father-in-law is a hoot. A child at heart, he always is joking around and cutting up. I am always laughing within the first few minutes of being with him. But when you peel away all the layers of fart jokes you will find an extremely caring father who would give ANYTHING for his kids. He is a protector to his core and I like knowing we have a man like that on our team. He also always has me exploring new things. Most of those things involve horses and dirt, but none-the-less he broadens my horizons. I even drove a tractor in November - and he trusted me to do it. He's so cool like that.

I also have a fantastic sister-in-law. < I know !! I can hardly believe my luck either!! > Gretchen and I click great. Even if I didn't love her personality and appreciate how nice she is to me (which I do), just the gift that she has given us through her precious children would be enough for me to love her. Kids aside, she really is an awesome friend to me and I love not having to be stressed out around her.

Let's wrap this up before you really get jealous of all my good fortune.  :)

P.S. Pictures from this past weekend coming soon!


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