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October 29, 2011

Things I learn from my sister

I would like to take a minute to send a quick shout-out to my sister for being such an amazing role model to my brother and I. Disclosure: My sister isn't one for attention so if she knew I was posting this in advance she would probably kill me. BUT when a girl is as praise-worthy as my sister has been - she's got to be honored.
Am I right?
As the older sister of a "big-mouth little sister" like myself and a "keep-to-himself kid" like my brother - its safe to say that she's had a handful to deal with as the eldest sibling.
She's 6 years older than me and 9 years older than my brother and you wouldn't be able to tell the age gap because she does such a good job of keeping us close. (plus she looks wicked young for her age). She has a gift passed down from my grandmother that encourages, and sometimes demands, the closeness of the family bond. She's excellent about remembering what's going on a daily basis in every one's life, is super good about consistently calling, and overall would pick her family over her bestie any day,
What a great example to set.

But  there has been another great example that my sister has set recently: Perseverance of Faith
So you'll fully understand, let me give you some backgound: Liz & Mike had their second child in July and blessed our family with little Emily Marie.

(That is Emily at 3 months-taken just a few days ago)
 And what a whirl wind of cuteness Emily has brought to the Tilton clan in the last 3 months!!! If you've seen my nephew (Noah) you know my sister and Mike have a knack for making cute kids, but that is not their only gift (as if you need another one). Mike and Liz have a gift of faith and it has been on bright-billboard display recently. All because of the help of sweet Emily.Emily was born with some hearing problems, so Liz and Mike have had some extra trials to deal with besides the usual wear & tear that comes with a newborn. Yes, besides the sleepless nights, exploding diapers and excessive crying that comes with a newborn, they have also been dealing with extra doctor appointments, extensive research and the reality that little Emily will have some special needs as she gets older. Hearthbreaking news for any parents, especially parents of newborns. But they have done AWESOME! My heart just beams with pride - and its been inspiring to watch. I just can't believe how lucky I am to have a sister and brother-in-law that are so strong in their faith that they can handle a mountain like the one they've been given to climb. It's been a little over two months since we discovered Emily's hearing loss and she is due to be getting her hearing-aids in just a few weeks and I'm just about to bust with excitement to see how God rewards my sister's family for how faithful they have been! Now do you understand now why I just HAD to brag on my sister?
My sister is a rock and I'm so glad she is my family. Sigh, I love her.

If you want to learn more about Emily and the whole family, you can catch up from my sisters blog:

Also, I'll be sure to include updates on little Emily as we get them. It's so easy to talk about that little cutie-patutie anyways. :)


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